Love story between a dragon slayer & a assassin (Mitch X pat) Fairytail

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The three days

Requested by hyenaonesie

During after the huge fight with everyone mitch have been having this weird feeling him his chest. When ever pat is around he started feel a little weaker around him. Later on Mitch have finally found out why he was acting this way. He found out that he have feeling for pat.

*Some days later*

It was just pat and mitch in the hall and no bubby was around. When pat and mitch started looking around they found a note from collin telling them that everyone left the guild hall for the day.

It told them where everyone was at. Micheal was on an mission, some people were trading outside the guild & taking quest and some are just at the bar.

Pat- It looks like everyone is out for the day that would just leave you and me

Mitch blush up a little knowing that he have all day to spend with the person that he loves

Pat- You ok Mitch? Your looking a little red?

Mitch- Ya I'm fine lets just find something to do

Pat- I was planing to go to this village to help them out with some stuff if you was to come with me

Mitch- Sure sounds like fun a little bit

Pat- Good it will take about three days to get their so you still want to come with me

Mitch- Yes pls

Guild leader voice- Pat don't you think this is just pushing it a little

Pat mind- No its not and I get to spend some time with someone I love. Remember what I told you right?

Guild leader voice- Ya I do

Mitch- Come on lets go

Pat- Ya

When they were getting their the first night was normal. They started talking with each other for a little bit when pat went to bed. Mitch put out the fire and stay out their for a little bit.

Mitch mind- I need to tell him that I love him I have to tell him maybe someday I will get to do that

When mitch was thinking to himself pat was fake sleeping waiting for mitch to come in and when he did he was so happy

Mitch- *sigh* it looks like he fell asleep. Welp goodnight my little angel hope you have a great sleep.

Mitch walk up to pat and kiss him on his for head. Pat was embarrass but also happy. When mitch fell asleep he rap his arms around him holding him before he went to sleep.

*Next day*

Mitch woke up to pat holding him close to his chest. Mitch really didn't want to move and wanted this to last forever but he know that they have a mission to do so he got but and started playing with Pat's soft hair. Then soon enough he started waking up

Pat- mmm what are you doing?

Mitch- Getting you up

Pat- really? I just want to go back to sleep

Mitch- We have a mission to do remember?

Pat soon got out of his dreaming state and on his feet as fast as he can

Pat- That's right will then lets pack up and started  heading their

Mitch- Ya

Mitch and pat started to pack up but while packing up pat can't get the feeling of what mitch did to him last night. He wanted to talk about it but at the same time he knew that it would be hard.

The next night role around fast. Mitch took of his clothes to wash himself in the river that was near their camp. Pat was getting their camp ready when he see's a mitch without his shirt on looking at him. His face turn tomato red and turn away.

Pat- Can you put your shirt on pls?

*Mitch was red too but not as red as pat is*

Mitch- I would love to but my shirt got wet and I needed to dry off by the fire

Pat- I see

Mitch- Will then I'm off to bed. Pls don't to wake me

Pat- I won't try to

Mitch soon went inside the tent getting ready for bed.

Pat Mind- What can I do?

Guild leader voice- you can man up and tell him

Pat Mind- I know that I mite tell him tomorrow

Guild leader voice- that's mite be a smart choice

Pat soon put out the fire and went to bed but right before he went to bed he kiss mitches for head. When he layed down mitch somehow grad pat and was holding him close to his chest. This made pat blush like crazy.

Pat mind- I gust this will work just wish he had a shirt on when he doing this

*Final day*

Mitch woke up with pat in his arms. He got up as fast as he can trying to remember what happen he he realise something

Mitch Mind- Pat kiss me. He really kiss me that means he have feeling for me like I do for him. I'm going to tell him how I feel for him tonight

Pat- Mmm morning Mitch

Mitch- Morning its time for are final day to get to the village

Pat- Ya right

Pat mind- I'm going to tell him how I feel for him tonight

When they were walking to the village pat and mitch was walking very close to each other like they were holding hands. But when the final night came bye mitch and pat was setting up camp when they both set right next to each other to tell him what's up

Mitch- I need to tell you something

Pat- Ya I need to tell you something too

Mitch- Will then you go first

Pat- No you go first

They started fighting for a little bit when they both agree to stay it at the same time

Both of them- I Like You

When they both said and hear that their faces have turn blood red.

Mitch- You love me?

Pat- Yes I have. I have been loving you seance we had that talk with your family. For some reason after that night I couldn't get you out of my head that is when I found out that I had feeling for you

Mitch- I started liking you on that night too but I didn't think I love you until one night I just found out

Pat- Is that why you been getting mad when everyone talks to me? Is it because your scared that they mite take me away from you?

Mitch- Ya that's the reason why I have been acting more overprotective of you

Pat couldn't hold himself back anymore and started kissing mitch. Mitch was shock at first but soon started kissing him back

Pat- I love you and only you I don't care for the other people but I do care for you

Mitch soon pull pat into another kiss but this time he put his tongue into his mouth making him moan softly. When they pull away mitch grab pat and started snuggling and cuddling him until they both fell asleep.

When they got to the village they help around with a few things and got their money. When they were heading back threw the nights they were kissing and holding each other close to their chest not letting go.

When they got back to the guild everyone was wondering what happen when they told them that they went on a six day mission that's all.

When night fall hit pat went to Mitch place and they started have their fun there every night.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now