The Brotherly Love

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Origin Of Olympus

Requested by Aizawa-daughter

The day that drannus and Ricarro had met it made drannus worry so he went to find out the truth. When he found out the truth about having a brother he was happy but also kinda scared. Later on dannus wanted to meet his brother again after all he need to protect his little brother and Maybe he can protect him.

*Few days later*

Dannus was minding his own business trying to lesson to the birds and the animals going around the camp when he hears crying and yelling.

Dannus Mind- What is going on?

When dannus got to the area he saw his brother in someones hand by the neck while xylo was yelling at him to put him down.

Dannus Mind- Grr he hurting my brother. Im going to to

Without warning dannus jump the man which let him let go of his brother. Dannus soon ran to his brother not knowing the danger that is happening in the background.

While he was holding him and trying to calm him down the man tried to attack them but xylo stop that and scared him off by a form that he took.

After a while dannus and Ricarro was scared out of there minds not knowing what to do when xylo turn back to his normal self and took both of there hands

Xylo- I didn't mean to scared you guys im sorry

Ricarro- I didn't know you can do that but I should thank dannus here. He really save my life

Dannus- Will ya what are brothers for?

Ricarro- Yay I got a new brother

Dannus- A new brother?

Xylo- He see's everyone as family like he see me as his dad

Dannus- I see

Xylo- I have to get going

Ricarro- Ok im going to hang out with my new bro

Xylo- You do that

After a while xylo had left dannus and Ricarro started doing thinks that made some people warm there hearts.

Ricarro and Dannus went to the horses where kay and mario was. After a while of them looking around Ricarro started riding shadow while dannus was flying right next to him making sure that ricorro doesn't fall.

Next they went into a building to get some food. While looking around Ricarro found some ice cream. Dannus never tried this food so when he tried it he was happy and felt amazing.

Ricarro and dannus had started an ice cream eating competition. While eating the ice cream they had gotten headaches and stomachaches. The pain was to much for them so they tried to crawl away from the area to ending up passing out by where the eating tables were.

Xylo found them on the floor and was really worry so he pick up both of them and took them back at dannus place. Xylo knew that dannus didn't have much so he put down some pillows and blankets. He place both of them next to each other right before leaving.

When xylo left that night dannus didn't have any nightmares of his father being upset at him and he was holding his little brother close to him in his sleep.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now