Love story between two demi gods (Lee X Ned) Olympus

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Hanging Out

Requested by Atgdfvt

Lee was walking around camp looking for a few things When she saw ned o the floor sleeping. She didn't know why but at thought that Ned look kinda cute.

Lee Mind- Why do you look so cute ned.

After a while being there Ned started to wake up to see Lee starring at him.

Ned- Oh hi Lee what's up?

Lee- Oh nothing just wondering if you want to hang out with me today that all hehehe

Ned- Ok why not I have nothing better to do

Lee- Great

Ned- So where we going?

Lee- I was thinking that we walk and talk for a while before going into the city and look around for a few things

Ned- Sound like a plan to me so let's go

Soon after Lee and Ned started walking around the camp talking about what there favorite things to do , what is there favorite animal, that type of stuff. Soon after a while Lee to Ned to the city and grad some things before walking back with Ned when something happen.

Ned- So hot everything you need?

Lee- Yup and now I have to get you something for helping me

Ned- Oh will you see you don't need to do that

Lee- Come on I can get you something like an omelet

Ned- Mmm an Omelet does seem nice

While talking they both heard a child crying behind them in a alley way.

Ned- Is that a child?

Lee- It sounds like one come on

When they ran down the alley way they saw two men with guns taking money from a little kid.

1??- Come on dude let's get out of here before we get cot

2??- Not right before we get red of this little monster

Kid- No pls don't hurt me I promise to not tell anyone

2??- To bad so sad

Lee- Hey what's going on here?

When the two men look they saw a girl who was smaller than them.

1??- Hey there a little girl here

Lee- I am not a little girl I am a full grown woman

2??- Maybe we should take her with us it can be fun

Lee- I'm sorry what!?

1??- It's your lucky day your coming with us little girl

Soon one of the boys tried grabbing her while she tried to fight back. She knew that she couldn't turn into her centaur form or else she could be in bigger danger.

After a while if then Ned finally catch up to Lee to see two big guys trying to drag Lee with them

2??- Lesson here best your coming with us or else you going to get a bullet in your head

Ned - Leave Her Alone

1??- And who are you?

When the guys turn they saw a giant starring into the two men soul making them shake

Ned - Look I form want to fight but what you did was wrong

1??- Look we sorry man we be going now right

2??- Yes Yes let's go

Before the two men ran away Ned grab them and knock them out before making them fall to the floor knocking them out.

Lee- Ned I'm so glad to see you

Ned- Me to now let's go I think this kid may want to go back home am I right?

Kid- Yes thank you so much

Soon the kid grab his money before leaving. The police was called and the two men were cot and Ned with Lee went back to camp.

Lee- Will that was fun right?

Ned- Ya just didn't like those two bullies hitting on that kid and try to take you away

Lee- Oh will I have to go

Before Lee left she gave Ned a kiss before running to her cabin yelling goodnight.

Bed Mind- She kiss me I thought that no one would do that scents the Incident will I'm glad to have a girl like Lee here after all I don't know what I would do without her.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now