The New Change

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Origin Of Olympus


Bryan was minding his own business when something kinda change in him.

When Bryan got up and had the normal things he do before going to the camp. That is when bryan didn't want to wear his normal clothes so he took out a red jacket and some black pants to wear.

When he got to camp Bryan was look at weird at camp like he was doing something wrong but he doesn't know what until Xylo got up out of his chair to ask what's up.

Xylo- Hey Bryan are you doing ok?

Bryan- Why yes but why you ask?

Xylo- Will a lot of people are just surprise that you kinda change your look up that's all

Bryan- Oh this I just didn't want to wear my normal clothes today that's all

Xylo- Ok then

After that day everyone thought that made Bryan will go back to normal. It's probably be wanted to try something new or he was just feeling like he wanted to just get away from his clothes for a day but man were they wrong.

Bryan soon had started wearing the new style that he have been wearing for a while now. Everyone doesn't know why Bryan was doing this but he was.

After a while of this happening some of the campers had enough so they went to kay.

Kay was talking to river and having a cup to tea when a few people came into the place

*Door open*

Mario- Kay why is Bryan dress like that

Inpu- Ya it's kinda making some people question of he alright

River- What are you talking about?

Kay- Ya I haven't seen Bryan in a while and the same goes to river is that right?

River- Ya

Xylo was minding his own business when he heard yelling so he went to check it out. When he got there he saw Inpu and Mario yelling/talking to the camp counselors.

Xylo- What's going on?

Mario- Have you seen Bryan

Xylo- Yes I did but I don't see a problem with it

Inpu - But this isn't Bryan

Xylo- *Sigh* He wants to try some new things ok. Why are you guys not letting him do this?

Inpu - Because this isn't like him

Xylo- Why don't you guys go talk to him then

River- Wait Bryan is trying some new looks

Xylo- Ya and he have been like this for a while now but I don't blame his after all he told me that he have been trying some new things

Xylo Mind- Even through this was an accident

Kay- Will if it's making some of the other campers upset I would love to see what he is doing right now

Xylo- Sure follow me and I will take you to where Bryan is at

While Xylo was taking them to where bryan is at Bryan was trying to relax on the grass and looking at the clouds

Xylo- Hey Bryan

Bryan- Oh hi Xylo do you want to look at clouds with me again

River- Again!?

Xylo- Ya Bryan and I have been talking ok but anyways my friends here are asking about you look

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now