Love Story between a demon & a Demi God ( Nad x Lychee) Olympus

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The Long Day

Requested by Maxymon084

It was a long day that happen. Nad had to do a few things still after he was done helping out kayla with her trials.

Nad Mind- Why do I have so much work to do? I just want to sleep. After kayla got back everything just been going crazy and I don't even know if I am able to get a break at all

After a while of waking nad can feel that ot was getting late and even though the sun was still up he just wanted to take a little nap so he found a tree and past out.

*Hour Past*

Lychee- Hey Nad get up

Nad- Mmm oh hey lychee

Lychee- Don't you have work to do still?

Nad- Oh yes I do I have to go thank you for reminding me

*Nad ran off*

Lychee turn away blushing a little bit

Lychee Mind- Idiot

After it started to get dark nad had finally finish everything that he had to do and was walking back to the tree that he was sleeping on earlier when he saw someone at the doct looking at the sky which was turning into a night sky.

When nad got a closer look he saw it was lychee but he was in his demon form.

Nad Mind- Why is he in his demon form?

When nad got closer he saw lychee turn to see who was behind him then spoke in a calming voice

Lychee- Hello nad

Nad- Lychee!?

Lychee- Yes I gust its kinda a shock that I was in my human form and now I am in my demon form I just wanted to change back to my normal form that all

Nad- I see will then I think you look rather nice with the night sky coming up

Lychee- Why thank you

After a while of talking nad told lychee goodnight and was about to walk away when lychee grad his hand

Lychee- Wait

Nad- What is it lychee?

Lychee-Can I umm sleep with you tonight?

When lychee said that and can tell lychee face was turning more red then normal and he turn away from lychee. Blush as well he said-

Nad- Sure I can hold you in May arms of you don't mind that is

Lychee - I don't mind I just want to sleep with you tonight that all

Nad- Ok sure I don't see a problem with that

Soon when nad went back to his tree lychee join in. Nad rap his arms around lychee before falling a sleep and as soon the same of lychee laying his head on nad chest falling to sleep knowing full well that everything is going to be alright now.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now