Love story between two demi gods ( Kayla X Momiji) Olympus

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Girls Night

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It was a normal day for kay. She been working really hard on the camp without any breaks. Momiji saw how hard she been working and wanted to give her some freedom from it but she didn't know what.

After a while momiji had an idea.

Momiji Mind- I know we both can have a girls night out with just thr two of us hehehe

*With Kay*

Kay Mind- Why is there so much paper work for camp

*Open the door*

Momiji- Hey Kay I wanted to know if you want to go to a girl night out with me

Kay- I would love to but I have so much work to do

Momiji- Come on you been working so hard and you need a break

Kay- *sigh* fine

Soon momiji took kayla to the big town show her around. Kayla got some new close and even went out to eat with momiji but what she didn't know was that moniji was plaining this for a while.

*Few hours later*

It became night time and momiji with kay was watching the stars together

Kay- Thank you momiji I had a blast hanging out with you

Momiji- Ya me to but there is one more thing I want to do

That is when momiji kiss kay making kay face turn red

Momiji- I love you kay and I was so happy that you came out here with me

Kay- Well I would love to say I love you to

And that night went on the two girls started hanging out together no matter what the cost.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now