Love Story between two Werewolves (Xylo X Ritchie) Supernatural

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(I redid this one)

Ritchie and his group were out in the forest trying to fine anything to kill. When doing that they herd a wolf howl in the air.

Austin- What was that

Bri- Shh be quite and hide

Everyone soon hide behind trees and busses.

When doing this xylo can around the corner looking for some meat for the pack.

Austin was about to jump out at him but richie had a better plan.

He knock out xylo and drag him to their hide out or I should say their home.

Xylo was put behind some bars with some changes all around him. When xylo came to he saw himself change into the wall.

Austin- Why didn't we kill him we would of made his pack-

Bri cut him off

Bri- Look I don't why we need him alive but richie said we could have some fun if we keep him alive.

As soon as bri said that xylo look at her with a angry look

Austin- Oh look who is awake

Xylo- Where am I

Bri- Your in a cell

Xylo- I know that but why am I here and why am I not dead by now

Bri- Richie need you alive for something and I don't know what it is but he said it could be fun

Ritchie soon walk into the room

Ritchie- Oh look who is awake

Xylo growing at him

Austin- Can we go now pls I feel like if I stay here anytime longer I will kill him

Ritchie- You go ahead I will see you guys soon I just want to know a little bit about are new gust.

Bri-ok but if you come to late you mite not get any food

Austin and bri left the room and now its just the two of them

Ritchie- Its been some time have it xylo

Xylo look at richie like he wanted to go at him

Xylo- I know its been a while scents you last saw me but Why didn't you kill me

Ritchie open the cell door and walk up to xylo

Ritchie- you know why I didn't let them kill you

He soon touch xylo cheek and a mark appear and then disappear

Ritchie- Im surprise that your alpha didn't smell this on you yet

Xylo- And im surprise that your pack didn't smell it

Ritchie soon started playing with xylo ears

Ritchie- Their so soft you know

Xylo look at Ritchie trying to grab him but as soon as he try his arm keep getting burn.

Ritchie see's this and started holding xylo.
Xylo look at Ritchie with a smile and said what would happen if your pack fines out

Ritchie- And what would happen if your pack fines out

They both starter at each other before laughing

Ritchie soon gave xylo a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now