Love story between two demon slayers (David X Brandon) Fairytail

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Kidnapping rescue

Requested by reader_690

Brandon was doing some work at his desk while ritchie was talking to the other people in the guild.

While daydreaming about the love of his life someone was talking right behind him.

When he look he was face to face with his evil self.

E. Brandon- Will hello there

Brandon- No

E. Brandon- Will it would be fun to chat but I have plans for you.

Brandon- What are you-

Before Brandon can do anything his evil self knock out Brandon but the thing that evil brandon didn't know was that brandon was writing everything on what was happening on his paper.

E. Brandon- Its time to have some fun with him but lets make this interesting for me shall we.

*Few hours later*

Ritchie came to the back room to see if his brother is finish with his paper work. When he got there he didn't see his brother at all but he saw two pieces of paper. When he was reading the paper David walk into the room and saw the horror on Ritchie face.

David- What's wrong?

Ritchie- They took him

David- Took who?

Ritchie - They took my brother

David- Wait WHAT!?

David mind- Someone took Brandon I am going to murder them

Ritchie - David I am putting you in charge ok

David- What no I'm coming with you

Ritchie - Buts it's dangerous

David- I don't care. Put Mario in charge ok I am coming with you if you like it or not

Ritchie- Find get your things together we are going right now

David- Right

*At the cave*

When Brandon woke up he woke up with huge amount of pain on his legs.

E. Brandon- Oh don't worry it's just only going to be a painful day for you

Brandon - I know my brother I going to look for me

E. Brandon- Oh I know and when he does I will kill you and run so I hope they come soon


E. Brandon- Oh I'm glad it does.

Brandon- AHHHH

When Brandon was being torture to death Ritchie and Dave found the cave where Brandon is being held

Ritchie- Shh We don't know who home ok

David- Ok

They both went inside and hide behind a rock. While they were looking around they saw a soak in blood Brandon on the floor. Evil Brandon was right their kicking him making him cry in pain before he black out.

E. Brandon- Ooo I think there here but it's already to late there will   be no way for them to take you without hurting you and when they get you out of here you would loose so much blood that you would die before anyone help you.  I would like to say it was fun but I have to go bye bye

When evil Brandon left David and Ritchie ran to Brandon who was losing a lot of blood. David was smart to bring some bandages to stop the major wounds from bleeding. When they got back to there place Brandon was still losing a lot of blood and when he was taken to the hospital he was in gave condition. They told everyone the Brandon may not have a chance to live at all which made everyone cry specially David who had feeling for him such a long time like when they first met.

When everyone left the room David would visit Brandon everyday with Ritchie and maybe a few others but it was mainly David.

*Few weeks later*

David was sitting right next to brandon hoping he would get up on his own.

Dave- I know its been weeks and everything but I think its time for you to know

Brandon Mind- Ow my head wait david. It seems he trying to tell me something I'm just going to wait

David- I know you might not have the same feeling for me but I have these feeling for you

Brandon mind- Wait does he-

David- I love you so much. I love you when I met you. At first I thought that it was all in my mind but it wasn't and I feel horrible to see you like this so can you pls wake up

When david was saying that brandons heart skip a beet but when he saw the tears in david eyes he can tell that he have been going threw a lot of pain.

Dave- I'm sorry but I have to go

Before david had the chance to leave Brandon grad david hand and pull him into bed with him.

Dave- Wait brandon is that you. Are you wake?

Brandon- Shut up and go to sleep. I can tell you haven't been sleeping for a while and you mist be really tired


Dave soon started hugging brandon and brandon did hug back

Dave- I miss you. Everyone misses you

Brandon- I know but right now you need rest

Dave- I know but I have to tell you something I-

Brandon- I love you too. I been having these feeling for a while now so pls I hate seeing you in pain so go to sleep

Dave- Fine

After that david ended up passing out for three days. That was enough time for brandon to get better fast and get out of the hospital and got back to his room before anyone could find out that he was awake.

He went back home and put david on his bed. He can tell that he haven't been sleeping right because of him and he feels horrible because of it.

When Dave finally woke up david made everyone go to the guild hall to surprise everyone

Dave- Hello everyone

Ritchie- What do you want david we all have work to do

Mario- Ya and if this is a stupid thing I am going to throw you across the room

Brandon- Oh no you are not

When everyone turn they saw there guild leader there 100% find and everything.

They all went to hug him and even his own brother came to him crying and all. After a while of explaining david was yelled at a little but everyone soon felt bad for not even knowing that david was also in pain.

After that day Brandon and david had started dating. They kept it a secret so things won't happen to them like people screaming and everything.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now