Love story between a queen & a thief (Austin X Bri) Fairytail

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Breaking In

Requested by KarlaMMelndezNegrn

After a long day of paper work bri was tired out of her mind. When she was about to go upstairs to go asleep she heard something like someone was breaking in.

When bri heard this she went quite and got ready for a fight. When she went into the main room someone was waiting for her there. When she wasn't looking someone came from behind her and cover het mouth. She was about to fight back when you heard the person voice.

Silver- Gust who?

Bri- Silver!?

Sliver- You got it right my lady

*Sliver let go of bri*

Bri- Sliver you scared me I could of killed you

Sliver- I'm sorry I didn't mean to

Bri- Its find but what are you doing here?

Sliver- I came for you

Bri- What do you mean?

Sliver- I want to show you something

Bri- Can it wait until the morning?

Sliver- No it can't you have to come with me

Bri- Find lets just make this quite ok

Sliver- Find

After that Austin took Bri somewhere far from the castle. He was also covering her eyes so she won't see the surprise

Bri- Where are we going?

Austin- You don't have to worry ok we are almost there

After a while of walking they had finally made it to the place where beauty holds everywhere.

Austin- Ok y ok can take your blind ford off

*Bri takes her blind ford off*

When Bri did that she was face to face with something that she have never seen before at all.

she was a sky that were full a stars but colors of bright blue and a violet color controls the sky's and the trees look like a crystal from the night sky have came down right in front of them.

Bri- Wow

Austin - You see this place become calm place during some nights in a month but it doesn't come everyday

Bri- So is that why you kinda kidnap me

Austin - Ya kinda like that

Bri- I see will the place is beautiful and I love it Austin

After a few hours on seeing the sky and everything it was getting late and Bri went fast asleep in Austin arms after a few minutes of seeing the place glow in colors.

Austin- I gust you were really that tired

Soon Austin pick up Bri and took her back to her place where he lay her on her bed.

Austin- Goodnight my princess sweet dreams

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now