Love between two demi gods (Mania X Xylo) Olympus

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Leave her alone

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

After the ball mania and Davis got into a fight and then he just disappear. Soon after that the fight she felt alone and upset but soon those emotions caught the attention of the demon inside the mirror.

The demon offer a deal which at that point mania didn't know why but she took it. When it was finish mania was trap inside the mirror not knowing what to do.

Soon a few things happen and that is when Ned found out about the demon. He tried his best to get the demon out of mania but sadly nothing work. Soon Ned turn to Xylo who knew what to do.

He soon took control of mania and are the demon go away but the cost for that is of course he was trap but mania was able to help him get unstuck.

*Before he was free*

Xylo- I know that I save you and all but I kinda want to get out of here

Mania- I know Xylo I know I think I have an idea.

Soon when mania went to sleep Xylo could see her inside her own mind.

Mania- If this is my mind I will be able to get you out

Xylo- Pls I know you have things to do and as so do I and I don't think me being in your mind will make it any easier

Mania - *giggles*

Xylo- This is not funny

Mania- Ok Ok Ok here

Soon a door open up inside her mind. When Xylo went threw it He was out of her mind. Soon a little while later mania woke up still tired about what had happen.

Xylo - Mania you need to sleep

Mania- But I want to make sure your ok

Xylo- Will I'm find see but you need some rest

Mania- Ya I gust your right

Soon Xylo Kay mania head back over her pillow. He cover her with her own blankets. This made mania happy even through Xylo went threw a lot he does care for others.

Mania- Pls can you stay a night here pls?

Xylo- Are you sure?

Mania- Yes pls?

Soon Xylo went soon went under the covers with her. She barry her head into his chest falling to sleep. This kinda made.Xylo blush a little but he really didn't care. All he care about is to make sure mania is safe and ok. Also no matter what happens he knew that he will be by mania matter what the cost is.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now