Love Story Between two demi gods (Magnus X Xylo) Olympus

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New Mother

Requested by AstroMike

Xylo and Magnus was at the pool area relaxing after a long day taking care of the "children".

Xylo- *Sigh*

Magnus- What up with you?

Xylo- Oh will ricarro wouldn't leave me alone and I had to help he learn some things as well

Magnus- Really!? Like what?

Xylo- Remember I was trap inside of mania?

Magnus- Ya?

Xylo- He wanted to know what I had to do. What did I do? What was it like being a girl? Did you have anything different about being the opposite sex things like that

Magnus- I see did you tell him anything

Xylo- I know what your trying to say. No I didn't answer questions that ricarro had about the personal stuff about being a girl I am not a monster

Magnus- I see

Xylo- What about you?

Magnus- Solis wouldn't leave me alone. It was like I had to baby sit him all day

Xylo- Yikes

While xylo and magnus came in ricarro saw those two chatting and wanted a new mother

Ricarro- Hey dad it seems that you having fun with your girlfriend

Magnus- Wha- No

Xylo- Ricarro they are not my girlfriend ok we are just friends

Magnus- Yes just friends

Ricarro- Sure you guys should kiss

Xylo & Magnus- What!?

Ricarro- Pls

Soon magnus got up and went to xylo. Xylo kinda knew where this was going and got up as well.

Soon magnus look at xylo with puppy eyes.

Xylo- Go on head I really don't care what you doing

Soon magnus grad xylo and kiss him making ricarro happy. After a while ricarro left and magnus lay her head on xylo lap falling asleep

Xylo- *sigh*

Xylo Mind- Lets get you to bed

Soon xylo took magnus to then to there room and kiss them goodnight not knowing that things are going to change.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now