Love Story between a leader & an Actor (Pat X Xylo) OrginZ Pt. 1

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Are you ok

Short out to WolfbeGaming for helping me think about this one go check her out

After what happen with the queen and everything xylo was feeling a little under the weather at the wrong time. When the queen saw this she made xylo and kay go to the pit where the sun god would kill them as so they throught.

When her men open the gates xylo and kay made a run for it trying to get away from the deadly gas but luck mite hit them the gas did hit xylo. Xylo tried to hide the face that he was hit and told kay that he will be heading back to safe heaven to rest up for a little bit.

*When he got to safe heaven*

The coronal was leaving the doc shop when he saw xylo having trouble walking.

Pat- Xylo you ok?

Xylo- Ya im fine just feel a little under the weather that's all

Pat- You sure?

Xylo- yes im sure

Pat- Ok?

Pat can tell that xylo was lie-ing to him and he does hate liers.

Pat- Hey xylo come to my office pls

Xylo- Why?

Pat- Pls come with me

Xylo- Ok

Xylo and pat started walking to his office when pat saw xylo fell over on the ground. Pat soon started panic-ing for xylo life so he took xylo to his office and lad him on the bed. When he got the doc to look at xylo he turn to pat and said-

Mitch- Sorry pat but it seems xylo wad hit with this toxic gas that could of killed him not only that it seems that he wasn't eeling so good right before he was hit with the gas

Pat- Is their anything you can do?

Mitch- Sorry but their isn't. I can't help xylo and it seems that he mite die on this rate

Pat Mind- WHAT he can't die I won't let him. He will live even if he has to as a zombie

Pat- Thank you for your help

Mitch- No problem now if you don't mind I have a lot of work to do and I would love to not be bug

Pat- Ok then you can go

When the doc left pat was worry that xylo could die from this and that is when xylo open his eye's

Xylo- What happen?

Pat- You pass out

Xylo- Oh I see

When xylo tried to get up from the bed he was pull down by the coronal hand

Pat- You need to rest your sick and I won't let you get off from my bed until you feel better

Xylo- Then where will you sleep

Pat blush a little - I can sleep with you

Xylo blush a little- But I don't want you to get sick

Pat- Its not only that your sick your die-ing a little bit to

Xylo- Wait what?

Pat- Ya you were hit by this gas which I am wondering how this happen but anyway this gas is toxic and could kill you or even turn you into a zombie

Xylo- Of course I was

Pat- How did this happen anyway?

Xylo- Promise to not get mad

Pat- *Sigh* promise

Xylo soon explain everything to pat about what happen to him. When pat hurd this he was mad a right bit at the same time he was upset that even through he told him what he was going threw pat just laugh it off thinking it was nothing but it was of course more than nothing

Pat- I see. Im sorry xylo I didn't think this could happen to you

Xylo- It's ok

Pat- No it's not ok you mite die because of this. This is all my fault

Xylo- Pat this isn't your fault so pls don't blame this on yourself

A few hours later xylo have pretty much calm the coronal down and even made him laugh but xylo health was getting worse and worse pat soon knew that he didn't have a lot of time so he told xylo the truth

Pat- Xylo do you know why I got mad and upset when you told me these things

Xylo- No I didn't why

Pat- Because I love you xylo and I want to stay with you

Xylo- I love you too

Pat got close to xylo and kiss him. Xylo have never felt this happy when the whole zombie break out happen. He was happy that he finally get to know that pat had the same feeling for him.

Xylo- Will then pat would you be my boyfriend

Pat- Wait what?

Xylo- I don't know how much time I have or even if im going to live bit I want to live the rest of my life I have with you

Pat- I see will then Of course I will be your boyfriend

*Few days later*

Pat have been taking care of xylo. No one knows that xylo was badly sick or they didn't even know where he is at. When pat was taking care of him he could tell xylo was getting worse and worse to the point pat ask the doc to put him in a coma which he did so he won't have to feel the pain.

Pat Mind- No No No you can't die on my xylo I promise you that I will bring you back

Pat kisses xylo on the lips but when a few hours later past xylo died in pat's hands. He was so upset that he wanted some time to himself. Soon the coronal had to make a meeting up and told everyone that xylo have die.

Everyone who knew him was shock and even started to cry. When someone ask how he die the coronal didn't say a word but he did tell them that unless xylo was pull from the gave and he is not a brain dead zombie their will be no way for xylo to see the light of day again.

Everyone soon started crying and even made a gave for the good man but deep inside the coronal he had a plan to bring xylo back to life as a zombie but not no normal half zombie. He was planing to bring him back to life as a half zombie who can ack, eat, and even look human with out any make up on him.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now