Love story between demi gods (BryanX River vs Jakey) Olympus

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Battle between love

WolfbeGaming wanted me to do a vs of river and jakey to see who wins Bryan love so why not.

After the break up and everything with jakey river have been helping Bryan out with the healing. After a few weeks of him helping out Bryan river and Bryan have gotten very close. When they thought that everything is going to get better for the both of them someone from Bryan past had came back to take what is rightfully his.

Bryan- Thx river for being here for me

River- No problem. After all I wanted to help my friend out

*River got closer to Bryan and stared hugging him*

River mind- I love you Bryan more than you think

Jakey- Bryan?

*Bryan and river broke their hug and that made river mad a little*

Bryan- Jakey

Jakey- Bryan who is this

Bryan- Oh him

River- My name is river and that is what you really need to know

Jakey- Oh really do you know who that is

River- Yes I do his name is Bryan my friend

Jakey- So you don't know Bryan past?

River- I do

Jakey- And you aren't scared at all

River- It doesn't matter what happen in the past. What really matters is what happen in the future. So now if you don't mind Bryan and I are going to go back to my place

Bryan- Yes

Jakey- Bryan you seem quite why is that

Bryan- look Jakey you really don't have to do this I'm

Jakey- Bryan I understand what I did was wrong but I want to make things right again between us

Bryan- Really like as friends?

Jakey- No like as lovers again

Bryan- Jakey look I'm over you ok I don't have the feeling like I did from long ago ok so just leave me alone

River- You heard him leave

Jakey- Fine but this won't be the last time you heard about me

*Jakey leaves*

River- Come on Bryan let's go to my place

Bryan- I think it's best if I go home

River - I understand

River soon took Bryan back home and went back to his cabin where someone was waiting for him from the shadows

River- *sigh* I know your their come out or else

Jakey- Fine

*Jakey comes out of his hiding spot*

River- What you need?

Jakey- I want you to stay away from Bryan

River- and why should I do that

Jakey- Because he's mine and not yours

River- You broke up with him and broke his heart. Do you really think he would take you back?

Jakey- Yes I do

River- Lesson here boi you made Bryan depressed and very upset. That made me so mad and upset see him like that and if you want to take Bryan away from me you will have to fight for it

Jakey- sure why not I think it would be fun

Soon river and jakey leave the camp and river took Jakey to an open area which he was planning to take Bryan for their first date

River- You ready?

Jakey- Yes

Soon Jakey and river went with each other throats fighting it out. Hitting the land around them turning it to steam and ice until someone came out of no where it was bryan.

Bryan- Stop it you too I hate seeing you fight

River- Bryan!?

Jakey- What are you doing here?

Bryan- I knew you would do something like this Jakey so I stared looking for you. When I found out you two left camp I knew that you two would be somewhere so I ask some of my bird friends to help me find you and they did

River- That's smart

Bryan - Anyway Jakey you should understand I don't love you anymore

Jakey- But I love you

Bryan- I don't care. And you river you should of told me what was happening

River- I know but this started happening when you left and if I left to tell you he would just hurt you more. I didn't was to see that in you anymore

Jakey- But you shouldn't even be around him. He was a monster

River- We.all did things that we aren't proud of. Even I did things that I wasn't happy about but that shouldn't control you at all

Jakey- I see

Bryan - No what I can't take it anymore

*Soon Bryan walk up to river and kiss him right in front of Jakey make him drop his staff*

Bryan- I love you river I really do and what you did right now just made me happy that you care about me but also angry

River- I'm sorry

Bryan- And you I don't know how many times I have to tell you but I don't love you anymore so stop

Jakey- But-

Bryan- This isn't the man I fell in love with at all. He would have never done this so stop being like this and go back being will you

Jakey- Ok I understand. Will then river you have won Bryan heart I will keep that primes and stay away from Bryan

River- You know you can hang out with us just don't do what you just did now ok?

Jakey- ok

Soon river and Bryan started going on dates and having the fun of their life and for Jakey he did hang out with them from time to time going back to his old self.

He does wonder one thing through if he had never broken up with bryan and been their for him would river have ever shown up in Bryan life?

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now