Love Story Between a werewolf & a Vampire (Mitch X Xylo) Supernatural

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Time To Bite

Requested by Shadow_ecplise

After the day of the blood volt was destroy Mitch & the other vampire have been finding way to get blood. Though Mitch have been going threw the hard time threw the whole thing.

Mitch been helping everyone out with there blood and making sure there getting food in them while for him he been just starving but he been hiding it but soon it was getting to the point that he wasn't going to control himself and might bite someone but he knew that he must not let that happen at all.

*Few Weeks Later*

Xylo was walking around the forest alone when he heard someone hurting from the inside.

Xylo Mind- What was that?

When Xylo went to find out where the noise was coming from he found Mitch looking half dead on the floor.

Xylo - Mitch? Are you ok?

When Xylo got closer to Mitch he soon jump on Xylo pinning him to the ground but Xylo was able hold him back from his fangs.

Xylo- Mitch what have gotten into you

That is when Xylo he notice it. Xylo knew a vampire feeling when looking into someone eyes but when he look into Mitch eyes he saw Mitch hungry and was about to go crazy so he let Mitch go.

Xylo- I gust that you want me to you?

When Xylo said that Mitch look at Xylo then cover his mouth and tried to get up but Xylo just grad him and pull him closer to his neck

Mitch- Xylo what are you doing?

Xylo- I can see your hungry and I can also see that your having a hard time trying to control yourself so I will aloud you to take your blood from me

Mitch- But Xylo that can

Xylo- I don't care mitch I care for you so much that it almost hurt a lot. I want you to be happy and not in pain and if that making you take my blood or even killing me then so be it

Mitch- Xylo I I'm sorry about this

That is when Mitch went for it. He bit Xylo neck drinking his actually delicious blood. Mitch wanted more of his blood but that is when he felt Xylo arm raping around him tubing his back.

When Mitch pull up his face so he can face Xylo he could see Xylo was blushing hug and that is when he found out something that he wanted to know for a long time now.

Mitch soon got lost to Xylo face and miss him on the lips. Xylo miss back and that day made Mitch happy. He been going threw this pain but now he have someone to help him with this pain and no matter what happens Mitch knows that he is not alone anymore because now someone is staying by his side no matter what.

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