Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus Pt: 4

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The Effects of Tomb Juice

Requested by DjfoxE

After the effects of the tomb juice went down and everything went back to normal Inpu and Bryan wonder what would happen if they were to drink it again. They really didn't want to know so they kept there guard up around drinks but they still didn't know the effects of the tomb juice that they drink isn't done yet.

Inpu- So Bryan can you tell me more about tomb juice pls?

Bryan- Will tomb juice is a mystery but is you just take a sip of that stuff the effects of the drink will last a day

Inpu- But we took more than a sip

Bryan- Ya so the tomb juice might still take effect so I would love you to keep your guard but about what is going to happen.

Inpu- Ok so the effects can still take a effect

Bryan- Ya

After a while of them talking they both didn't feel so good and that is where the effect of the tomb juice still will take effect. They started to change and morph into the animals of there parents.

Bryan had started to turn into a bird. When he was done he was a white dove.

(The white dove have bryan golden reef and his drown eyes. It also had some gold on it but that's really it.)

When inpu was done turning he was a type of dog able even a jackal

(The dog looks like his father but it haves inpu glasses on and have his color of eyes which are black)

When they turn to each other they were shock.

Bryan- I'm a bird

Inpu- And I am a dog

Bryan- I gust that the tomb juice is still effect

Inpu- but I am the animal of my father is your mother animal a white dove?

Bryan- Ya it is but what are we going to do?

Inpu- Mmm if the tomb juice turn us to are parents animal and I do have some left we could get some help

Bryan- Who would help us? Like if it turn us to are parents animals then who would help us?

Inpu- Do you know xylo?

Bryan- Yes? Oh wait his animal is the-

Inpu- Exactly

After that they both headed to camp in there animal forms.

Bryan did ask inpu to go on his back and he did agree so bryan is riding inpu to camp

*In camp*

When they got to camp some people saw a bird riding a dog but there goal was to look for xylo and after some time they saw xylo in a huge group of people.

Inpu- What are we going to do now?

Bryan- I don't know

Before they can even talk about a plan someone found them and push them out of there hiding spot for everyone to see.

Kay- Aww its a bird and a dog

Solis- Wait isn't that inpus book I don't think he would be happy to see a bog having it

Xylo- I do see that but for some reason I don't think there just animals

Mario- What are you joking xylo? We have see weirder things then that.

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