Love Story between Two demi Gods (Xylo X Magnus) Olympus

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Family Problems

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

It was a normal day outside at the dock. Xylo was trying to calm down a little after the little fight that he had with his father. While trying to calm down he felt someone hand on his shoulder. When he turn to look who it was it was magnus and from what Xylo can see Magnus was sorry but he doesn't know what or why.

Xylo- Oh Magnus I didn't think to see you here

Magnus- I was talking by when I saw you trying to keep calm.

Xylo - Ya

Magnus- Why were you doing that?

Xylo- Something happen with my father and I

Magnus- Did your father do anything to you all? Are you ok?

Xylo- I'm find Magnus it just that I went off on him because he said something that kinda made me upset

Magnus- What did he said?

Xylo- You see I never met my mom and because of that I always wonder where is she and if she is ok. My dad brought up that he was my father and that made me yelled up about my mother

Magnus- That's must be horrible but you have something in common with me

Xylo- Really!?

Magnus- Yes Inpu and I never met are mother either. It's kinda brave for you to talk to your father like that

Xylo- Look I don't care if he is my father but I do care for him but if he acts like I am a tool for him to just use then I will fight back

Magnus- Wow I kinda remember Inpu telling me that are father almost use him for a tool

Xylo- Oh really I am glad that I am not the only one then.

Magnus- Ya

Xylo- Look Magnus umm if we were to put all the books of the dead back together again do you really think it would help you find your past?

Magnus - Yes I want to know why am I here why am I created. I just want to know who was I or what am I just want to I know

Xylo- I see will then don't worry I will help you threw that quest ok

Magnus- Thank you

After a while of talking Magnus was getting pretty tired. Xylo saw this and told her that it might be time for them to go to sleep. Magnus didn't want to leave the area so she was her head on Xylo lap which made Xylo blush a little.

Magnus- I don't want to leave ok I am having fun talking to you

Xylo- I know but it's getting late and I bet we both are tired

Magnus- Then I am going to go asleep on your lap

*Xylo Blushes harder*

Xylo- What!?

Magnus- Might

Xylo- Wait Wait *sigh* find

After that Xylo lay his head on a tree while Magnus was on Xylo lap and they both fell asleep threw the night in the bright light of the full moon.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now