Love Story Between two demi gods ( Inpu X Bryan) Olympus

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Sick Day

Requested by lucyrose943

It was a normal day at inpu. He was going to see his boyfriend bryan. When he got to his place he couldn't find him but when he went to his bedroom he saw him.

Inpu- Bryan are you ok?

Bryan- Ya Im find just feeling under the weather that all

When inpu put his head over bryan head he move his hand away after feeling how warm he was.

Inpu- How did this happen?

Bryan- Will you see I was helping out some friends of mine when I fell into the water. I was in the freezing cold water for about a few minutes when xylo pull me out. He tried to warm me up with with flames but I don't think that work

Inpu- Will of course it wouldn't work its not smart to get cold and then warm up as fast as you can.
(Say the guy who were in one of the coldest places in the world and tried to warm up by xylo flames and from the bath house that you guys fell in)

Bryan- I know but still it was bad if I didn't get warm up right away too

Inpu- I gust your right about that even though xylo did get you sick he did save your life too so I do have to give props to him for that

Bryan- What are you going to do now?

Inpu- Will take care of you of course why wouldn't I after all your my boyfriend and I know you would do the same to me

Bryan- Aww inpu

After that inpu took care of bryan. Inpu made chicken noodle soup and burn it so he went to xylo who show him how to make chicken noodle soup which he use.

Next he did made sure bryan got a lot of rest and kept an eye out for him if he ever needed something like a glass of water.

Even through inpu hate ice he kept getting ice packs and putting it on his head trying to keep the temperature down.

When bryan started feeling a little bit better inpu was glad but he didn't want to leave bryan side so that night he slept with bryan knowing that he might get sick but he doesn't care.

When bryan did get better they both soon watch a movie together knowing full will that no matter what happens they got each other backs.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now