Love story between two demi gods (Inpu X Bryan) Olympus

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Another Chance In Life

Requested by lucyrose943

After Bryan death Bryan was brought up to Olympus where the other gods were and that is where he saw his mother, Hades, and Zeus all there and he even saw something that he thought he would never see again. It was the rose but he look much weaker then what he was before.

Bryan- Mom, Zeus, Hades why and I here and why is he here

Aphrodite- Oh my baby boi I know you don't want to see the ever again but he here for a reason as well as you

Bryan- What do you mean?

Hades- The rose he was made from mine and your mother essence

Bryan - What you joking right?

Zeus - No they are not. I have seen what this rose have done and the danger of what it had done to all of are land but it was you who killed it and I thank you for that

Bryan- It was no problem hehehe

Zeus- But that not Why you are here. You are here to get another chance of life

Bryan- Wait really!?

Hades - Yes it's not your time to go just yet but that would mean we have to do something before you go

Bryan- And that is?

Rose- I have to give up my own existence for you to live and when this happen you will see your friends again but I will always be within you

Bryan- No that a bad thing

Aphrodite - Will it's the only choice you have to live or else you will be leaving everyone you care and love behind you

Bryan- I don't want that at all

Rose- Then let me help you I have done so much pain for you in the past and I want to chance that so pls let me do this

Bryan- Fine I wouldn't forgive you fully but it will take some time

Rose- Thank you Bryan

Soon they both hug it out forgetting all the pain they both had cause from one another

Hades- Alrighty then let's get this started

Soon the rose and Bryan was both brought up to the sky and there would were put together. After that happen a huge bright light show everyone and then Bryan wake up to the over world inside inpus old room.

Bryan Mind- I'm alive I can't believe it wait is that Inpu

*Inpu open the door*

Inpu was sad to know his love was gone but when he open the door he saw Bryan and ran up to him hugging him both crying into each other arms.

Inpu- How?

Bryan- I don't know but I don't care because right now I am with you no matter what pain may cause for the both of us

And that day forward they both had there lives together no caring in the would about what dangers to what to come.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now