Love story between a vampire & a wizard (Micheal X Xylo) Fairytail

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From Vamp To Love

Requested by Alphawolf00001

Xylo didn't want to be a vampire anymore knowing for will that if he stay like this he would be a monster for ever. So he went to the Micheal who may know away to stop becoming a monster

Micheal told Xylo that he could do it but he needs that horn. Soon Xylo was thinking about what he should do while Micheal watch from a far keeping an eye on everything that is going around.

Micheal Mind- It seems Xylo may actually do it. I know that he doesn't want him back but this is for your own good I don't want to loose you again.

Soon when Xylo came back at Micheal place Micheal knew everything and when he was finish with everything he broke the horn but then that whole thing about the halo appear and everything.

Xylo Mind- I know you want him back but I just can't let that happen

Micheal Mind- Xylo don't worry I will find a way to save you no matter what the cost is

After a while of not seeing each other Micheal return to Xylo where he was working on some stuff.

Micheal - Xylo?

Xylo- Yes?

When Xylo turn to see Micheal he was shock to see Micheal in So much pain

Xylo- Micheal what happen!?

Micheal- Will I was flying around and some hunters tried to kill me for being myself

Xylo- That horrible here's let me heal you up

When Xylo was healing Micheal up Micheal was blushing like crazy because of it. He didn't know when it started up he does know that he have fall for xylo.

Xylo- Micheal you ok?

Micheal- Yes I'm find

Xylo - Ok then

After Xylo was done healing him Xylo can tell Micheal feel a little down so he told him something that made him happy

Xylo- Hey Micheal I been learning a few things and I think I found out how to cure you

Micheal- Wait Really!?

Xylo- Yes but it's quite painful and could hurt a lot

Micheal- I don't care I will go threw that pain of its getting read of this horrible curse

Xylo- Ok then

Soon Xylo pull out his sword and grad Micheal hand. Micheal was blushing a lot but when Xylo gently it his sword in Micheal hand it started to sting but not burn

Xylo- See I learn that you aren't that effected with my light magic so if I could fuse my light magic within you Your curse will go away

Micheal - Really will then just do it to me pls.

Xylo- Ok then if you say so

Soon Xylo stab Micheal with his sword and that made Micheal weak. Xylo started using some of his magic to make sure Micheal doesn't die but after a while it work and Micheal was no longer a vampire.

Xylo- There you go

Micheal- OMG Thank you Xylo this mean so much to me

Spoon Xylo turn away with red in his face and that made Micheal have an idea

Xylo- It was no problem

Micheal - Oh really

Micheal started walking up to Xylo and then kiss Xylo on the cheek which made Xylo blush even harder.

Micheal- Xylo I care for you so much and I want to be with you but with my painful vampire curse it was holding me back so much and I'm sorry for what I have done

Xylo- It was no problem I also do care for you a lot and I was wondering if you want to be with me

Micheal - Like a boyfriend?

Xylo- Yes

Micheal- I would love to

Soon after they started kissing again making this night last forever.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now