Love Story Between two Wizards (Devin X Ritchie) Fairytail

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I will always be here for you

Required by shawdythepanda who is AngelicSnowFox

It was a bright normal day for most people. David and plant was in his garden working, Lucas and Blake were on a date together, Brandon was helping out with training Mario and Kit, things like that.

Devin was working on his garden also when for some where reason he had a bad feeling to go check the jugs of alcohol.

Devin Mind- Why do I have a bad feeling that something wrong? Well I am just going to go check on Ritchie to make sure everything is ok

When he got to the room he saw Ritchie drunk with a huge circle of alcohol around him.

Devin Mind- Oh no

Devin- Ritchie are you ok?

Ritchie- Oh umm Devin *hick* what you doing here *hick*

Devin- I was looking for you. What happen to you? You only drink like this if your stress

Ritchie- Well *hick* something happen in town *hick* someone from my past told me something *hick* and it made me really sad and upset *hick*

Devin- What did they say if you don't mind me asking?

Ritchie- *hick* they told me that an *hick* old friend of mind was murder and they were like a best friend to me

That is when devin saw the tears started to form from Ritchie eyes. Devin couldn't help but hug Ritchie after hearing that feeling himself starting to cry.

Devin- I am so sorry to hear that Ritchie and I know that this must be one of the most horrible things that happen to you

Ritchie- Its alright *hick* because as long as I have you *hick* with your help I think I will be able to get threw this

That is when Devin pull out some water from his pocket and gave it to Ritchie who drank it. Devin using his magic clean up the mess and was able to take Ritchie to his house where they talk some more.

After a while Ritchie was able to take Devin to his room and push him to the bed

Devin blushing a little- Umm Sir what are you doing?

Ritchie- I think I want to spend the rest of the night with you Devin

He mostly sober now just to let you guys know

And after that Ritchie was able to grab Devin close and started cuddling up close with him before falling asleep with him in his arms.

Devin was freaking out a little bit within his head but he just let it happen and fall asleep before kissing Ritchie goodnight

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now