Love story between two old friends ( Pat X Flurry) Fairytail

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Thank You Flurry

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

If you may know pat didn't have the best life around. He lost is kids when a psycho started killing in the village. He was stop but not before he killed half of the towns kids making a lot of family's mad and sad.

Pat offer that he will try to go get money from somewhere else but his wife didn't want him to leave to he stay for a few more weeks before the death of his wife due to a sickness that she catch within the winter.

Pat was broken when that happen but he knew he had to keep moving forward no matter what go into his way. He did tried his best to try to move forward of the pain but it was kind of hard when there was no one helping him out.

He even started to work at grimshade and no one there help him making the pain in his chest worse. He even soon agree to have Allumos live within his body not even caring what would happen to him.

But soon the new guild appear out of no where and even started doing shows Allumos made sure not to go to these shows until one day pat ask allumos to go to there guild so he can go check it out.

Allumos- You sure you want to do this?

Pat- yes there nothing else for me to loose am I right

Allumos- Pat I didn't mean it like that

Pat- Its ok its ok I just want to talk to there guild leader that's all for some reason I might know her

Allumos- Wait really well I do hope you two get along then

Pat- Allumos I know what your thinking but all I want is to see here even though the person who I am thinking about went missing so Manny years ago.

When pat finally got to the guild he saw the leader in a fountain being silly

Pat- Umm flurry we need to talk

Flurry- Oh hey pat I gust you found out huh

Pat- Yes I did why are you here?

Flurry- I heard what happen to your family and I am very sorry that happen to you but I do want you to know that I am here no matter what also I came here with Jazz who wanted to start a new start that why I'm here

Pat- Well I think talking it out may make me feel better

Soon after that pat and flurry started talking about there problems in the world and that what they had to go there and the first time in a long time pat felt like he can smile once again.

Even so they started talking for a long while becoming closer and soon enough pat pop in the question and she said yes.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now