Love story between a werewolf & a Druid (Ritchie X Rian) Supernatural

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Within The Void

Request by Aquarius_Writer

After rian was scent to the void he was thinking about the past trying to remember a few things that he have forgotten long ago.

While remembering he saw a tree he would use to go when his mother and father was fighting. The tree always told him things and rian told him other things.

Over time he would always go to that tree and talk to it until one day he saw that thr tree wasn't there anymore. When he ask where the tree go to his pack members they told him that the tree went into the between lands.

That day made rian upset knowing full well he had lost one of the most closest friend he have ever had.

While remembering someone else went into the void and when he saw who it was it was a druid.

Rian Mind- Why is there a druid here?

Ritchie- Oh umm hello there

Rian- It seems you been put here as well

Ritchie- Why yes I failed my home and now im here to rot and die a slow painful death

Rian- Its ok I know we can get out in one way or another

Ritchie- Really!?

Rian- Yes

Ritchie Mind- Why do I feel like I know you from somewhere

Ritchie- So what's your name?

Rian- Will my name is rian how about you.

Ritchie- Ritchie. Umm hey by any chance do I know you from somewhere?

Rian- Maybe? Why you ask?

Ritchie- I don't know unless are you thr kid that talk to a tree from long ago

Rian- Wait how do you know that

Ritchie- Maybe because I am that tree

Rian- Wait your the tree fron my childhood

Ritchie- yup but its ok if you don't believe m-

Before ritchie could finish rian ran up to him and gave him a hug wrapping his wings around him noy letting go.

Rian- I thought I would never speak to you again

Ritchie- I know rian I know

After that day they got up from the things they were doing and that day from on they work together to get out of the void and stop the wild hunt from killing the land.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now