Love story Between a demi god and a creature ( Grug X Imno) Olympus

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The first time meeting

Requested by choKING_oAo

When imno went to the underworld looking for his friend he ran into something. When looking closer to the creature he just had this feeling of him falling in love.

Inmo- Banjo where are you

*Hears crying in the background*

Imno Mind- What was that?

Grug- Why can't I be with friend and brother. All I want is to run in the meadows

Imno- Hel- Hello?

Grug- Are you here to help grug?

Imno- .....

Grug- No? All I want is to run in the meadows

Imno Mind- Why does he have to be so big but yet so cute. I just want to hold him

*Inmo teleported on grug*

Grug- Hey can you get off of me?

Imno- Its ok its ok I understand your pain. I felt it when I lost my friend

Grug- Really?

Imno- Really

Grug took imno off his head and started holding him

*Imno started to blush a little*

Imno Mind- Why do I want to stay with him

Grug- Thank you for helping me to calm down

Imno- Anytime. Why were you crying anything

Grug- You see xylo made a promise to me that I would be able to run in the meadows some day but one of the gods of death said that he can't take one. So he turn to me and said that I was dead and that there will be no way for him to take me with him. All I want is to run in the meadows with my brother and my friend xylo.

Imno Mind- I see. Xylo wanted to take him but he couldn't. Wait xylo might know where banjo is but right now I just want to stay with grug

After a few minutes of them talking grug fell asleep holding imno. Imno wanted to do the same but he knew that he didn't have time for that so he made a note foe grug before teleporting back home.

When grug woke up he couldn't find imno but there was note that he open up and read


Grug I didn't have enough time to stay with you sadly but I know that I will be able to meet you again. There just one thing I really can't stay long. I can only stay for 15 minutes and then I would be teleported back home where there be no you sadly

Don't worry I will return

-Love imno

Grug Mind- I see will then grug will wait for your return

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now