Love story between a zombie & a human (Seek X Collin) OrginZ

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Sorry to hear

Collin Mind- After we got back from the beach I started ack-ing like myself again but for some weird reason my heart started getting faster and I didn't even know that was possible for a zombie like me to feel love?

After a few days justin ended up founding out he was a half zombie and was freak. He really didn't want to be around collin because of this. Sure it was fun having him around but when ever he got close to him he starts freaking out and backing away from him.

When collin did find out why he was acting like this he felt lonely and didn't end up speaking to justin in a week. Soon seek saw collin very upset one night and he hated that feeling so he went to collin to see what's wrong.

Seek- Collin are you ok?

Collin- No not really

Seek- What's wrong?

Collin soon explain everything to him and soon seek felt a little upset about this and angry

Seek- Collin he will get use to you again at some point just give it some time ok

Collin-Ok thanks seek

*Seek full collin in for a huge and didn't want to let him go but sadly he had to*

Seek Mind- Don't worry collin Im going to make sure that justin knows what's on my mind

*Next day*

Seek started looking for justin around and found collin making art for him. Seek saw the tears in his eye's and had anoff of it.

After looking for a while now he seems he can't fine him but he did ran into jonah.

Seek- Sorry to bump into like this but have you seen justin anywhere

Jonah- No why?

Seek-Oh nothing just want to give him a peace of my mind that's all

Jonah who is a little nerves right now- Oh really why *nerves laugh*

Seek- He hurt collin my best friend and sure collin and him are best friends but did he ever and I mean ever think of collin after that night

Jonah- What do you mean that night?

Seek- Oh its just that justin follow collin and found out something that he was planing to get red of so if you see him let me know ok?

Jonah- ya ok

*Collin soon walk in with a fake smile*

Collin- Hi jo- Oh hi seek

Seek- Hi collin hey can you come with me for a sec pls

Collin- Im sorry but im bessy finishing

*Seek soon grab collin arm and starts to drag him away*

*Collin blush a little when he did this*

Collin- Umm ok then or I can just come with you

Seek- Ya don't worry I have a surprise for you

Collin- Really!?

Seek- Yes because I care for you and I don't care if justin wants to stay away from you for a while austin,bri and I am here for you so you don't need him

Collin- Really thanks seek

Right before they left collin turn to Jonah and told him

Collin- The painting if finish and if you are so kind I have some real friends who actually don't care that im a monster they see me as me

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now