Love story two demi human and a demon (Xylo X Imno) Olympus Pt: 2

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A Years by Now

Requested by foxythepirate2o

After that day xylo and imno had started dating each other. Everyone new about this but soon that love would become to hate when xylo brother brick would take xylo away from him. After that day imno have been making brick seem crazy but when had found out imno was the one who have been missing with him he was not happy so he kinda have been using imno as a punching bag.

*A year later*

Its been a year scents xylo died. Imno was at xylo grave telling him about how stronger he have been getting and that he really misses holding him close to his chest.

After that imno left a flower where his grave is at and when he was walking about to his cabin there were a surprise waiting for him there.

While imno was at Xylo grave Xylo came from the front door and was talking to Kay when imno came to mind.

Xylo - Wait is imno here to

Kay- Yes he is

Ricorro- What's a imno?

Xylo- He is a very very very close friend of mine

Kay- Ya "close friend"

Xylo- Hey

Kay- Will I don't know much about imno but he does still go to this camp and he lives at the far right side of camp

Xylo- Thank you so much

Ricarro- While you do that I going to explore around camp

Xylo- Ok just be careful

*At imno cabin*

Imno was tired after a long day of training when someone came from behind him and cover his eyes.

Xylo- Gust who?

Imno Mind- No that's impossible he can't be here he just can't

Imno- Umm xylo?

Xylo- You gust right hehehe

When Xylo said that imno turn to him and have Xylo a huge hug with tears in his eyes.

Imno- I miss you so much. Your one of the only people I could talk to without being judge or anything

Xylo- Its ok I miss you to. I promise my self no matter what happens I would see you again and so I did

Imno- I'm so glad that you ok

Xylo - I also have seen you made a grave for me and go there a lot. I will thank you for that

Imno- Oh umm it's nothing

Xylo can tell imno was blushing after he said that but he can also tell that imno is quite tired as well

Xylo- You need rest

Imno- No I don't want to. I just herd you were back at camp and I want to spend time with you again

Xylo- Imno I don't want you to feel tired tomorrow ok You need rest.

Imno- Fine but if only you sleep with me

When imno said that it catch Xylo so off guard making him blush a little to.

Xylo - Oh umm

Imno- I haven't sleep with you like over a year. I love you Xylo so much I don't want to loose you again so please let me do this

Xylo- Find I would love to sleep with you tonight but I have to go say hi to Mario and everything to you know he might think I'm dead to

Imno- No not until the morning pls. It's getting late and I bet your tired too.

Xylo- Mmm

Xylo Mind- I haven't seen him in so long and I do want to spend time with him.

Xylo- Deal

Imno Mind- Yes Yes Yes your all mind now

When xylo gotten into bed imno went right next to him on his small bed. He started snuggling and cuddling him which made xylo blush a lot but he didn't care so that night xylo slept with imno.

*In the background*

What they didn't know kay went to imno place to go get xylo but when she got there she saw imno cuddling up with xylo in his bed trying to go to sleep so she took a picture of that and walk away.

Kay Mind- I get to embarrass xylo later with this hehehe

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now