Love Story between two gods (Drannus X Set) Olympus

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The Gods Past

Requested by pinkpy55

The day that set had return was the day that drannus got his love back.

In the past before anything happen in camp and all set and drannus became a thing after a huge fight.

Set- Drannus

Drannus- Set

Set- What are you doing here?

Drannus- Im here to kill you after all we both know that this world isn't big for the two of us.

Set- I gust I agree with that

Soon drannus and set started to fight showing off all there powers and how strong there truly are. After a while they both grew tired and became best friends that day helping each other out with there plans but soon set started had close feeling to drannus and wanted to be with him but he knows deep down that it may never work out.

Soon when they both started to cause Chaos all around them the other gods started to grow mad and started to attack them. It was hard for them to be together but they did try there best to kill/trap set and drannus but soom after all of this running and fights the gods finally found a way to stop them.

It was like a another normal day for thr two gods causing doom/fear in or around everyone/everything and just causing chaos all around when one of the gods horus took down and "Kill" set right in front of drannus and left.

Drannus- Set

Set- I gust that my plan will have to wait now

Drannus- Set don't die on my pls

Set- Don't worry I have a plan to return later on in the earth

Drannus- And how lonh will that be?

Set- I don't know but I need you to do something for me

That is when he gave a key to drannus

Set- I need you to take me to my tomb at mercury

Drannus- I can't I can't loose you

Set- Don't worry I promise that I will return

Soon drannus did take him to his tomb but before he went to sleep set gave drannus a kiss

Set- I love you drannus I hope that we will meet again

Drannus- I hope so too

Soon set and drannus gave one last kiss to each other before set falling to sleep.

Drannus gave the key to typhon and before he was put asleep by zeus he went to set portal and stay one last goodbye

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now