Love Story between a Mage & a Magical Creature (Kit X Kay) FairyTail

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A Flame Heart

Requested by LogiBear24

At the guild hall in Divinus Magia Kit was laying around when another guild appear.

Ritchie - Why hello there Lopho and the others

Lopho- Hello

Brandon - May I ask why you have come here?

Lopho- Will you know how are leader Bri had die

Mario- Yes?

Lopho- Will can we stay here for a little bit because I don't think are home is safe

Ritchie - Will of course the protectors are welcome here

Lopho - Thank you come on let's go guys

Bryan- Ya right

While that whole thing happen kit kept on starring at kay.

Kit Mind- Why does she have to be cute

When they left Mario notice that she was blushing a lot

Mario- You ok?

Kit- Oh umm yes I'm find

Mario- Ok if you say so

Soon after a few days come by if there staying time. Kit started to learn more things about Kay and the same goes for her. They kinda became Bffs.

They would train and even have some fun together no matter what happens but when the whole attack on there home happen kit knew that she had to help Kayla in any way.

After the huge fight they had to leave but right before Kayla left she gave kit something

Kit - I'm going to miss you Kay

Kay- I'm going to miss you too but I do want to give you something before you leave

Kit- Ok what will that be?

Soon Kayla pull kit in for a kiss shocking everyone. Soon she ran into the boat but kit grab her before she left.

Kit- Before you go I want to let you know I will be coming to visit you at the castle ok

Kay- Ya I will love that

When Kayla finally left with the others Mario and Davis went up to kit kinda teasing her about what happen. She soon punch Davis and Mario and went back to her room dreaming about the day she gets to see Kay again.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now