Love Story Between Two demi Gods (Bryan X Davis) Olympus PT: 2

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Requested by DjfoxE

After a while of davis and bryan hanging out davis wonder about bryan wings. He wanted wings at some point in his life so he can fly away from his problems.

While hanging out with bryan he always wanted to ask about his wings but was scared because he didn't know if that's rude or selfish so he kept it to himself until one day he man up as ask about his wings.

Davis- Umm bryan I always wonder about your wings

Bryan- Oh these?

Davis- Ya have I ever tell you that I dream to grew wings once?

Bryan- Why? Is it because you wanted to fly?

Davis- You know about my past. I told you about what happen right?

Bryan- Ya and I'm sorry to hear that. No one should go threw that pain

Davis- Ya at some point in my life I just wanted to get away. I wanted to fly. I just wanted to grow wings and few away from my problems and never looked back no matter what happens

Bryan- Wow that's kinda deep

Davis- Ya

Bryan- Do you want a closer look at my wings

Davis- Ya pls. I want to know how soft they are

Bryan O-ok

*Bryan turn around*

Davis started touching bryan's wings. He was blushing a lot feeling davis hand touching and rubbing his wings.

Davis- Wow your wings are so soft

Bryan- th- thx

Davis- How is it like when you are flying?

Bryan- Wi-will you see it-its like I'm free

Davis- nice

After a while of davis playing with bryan's wings they both saw how late is was and both of them had to go.

*Before leaving*

Davis- Thx for letting me touch your wings. There very soft bro

Bryan- Ya no problem

Davis- Can I play with them more later

Bryan- Made another time

Davis- Ok then bye bryan

Bryan- Bye

*Bryan fly's away*

Davis Mind- It must be amazing feeling like your free when you are flying in the air like that

*In the background*

River Mind- Why. Why does davis get to touch his nice soft beautiful wings. Don't worry through after all when I get bryan's heart I will be able to touch his wings and no one else will have that power except for me

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