Gremshade? Pt: 1

693 16 4

Origins Of Olympus X Fairytail Origins

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

Xylo was trying to help his brother out with him becoming one of the rulers when a portal open up rigjt behind brick trying to take him in it.

Before it had the chance xylo grab his brother hand and pull him away from the portal.

Brick- Thank you brother

Xylo- No problem but why is there a portal here and I don't think its one of are portals either

Hades- No it is not

That is when there father appear right behind the boys shocking brick the most out of the two of them because he is not use to his father doing that.

Xylo- What do you mean father?

Hades- This portal is from another world with magic much more common there then here and they have guilds there

Xylo- So like Fairytail

Hades- Yes Pretty much just like fairytail but the portal won't close up until someone hops threw it

Xylo- Wait a minute I have the power to get here on my own and I don't want any of the demons going threw so why don't I go threw for a little bit.

Hades- Wait really!?

Xylo- Yes if this world like fairytail the anime I watch I have more of a idea I should say of that world then you brick

Hades- Then go threw

That is when xylo did go threw to see the new world around him. Xylo knew he was going to get lost if he is not careful so he was able to find one of the few guild Gremshade.

When he got there he saw a huge group training outside the guild.

Xylo- Umm hi?

Viper- Who are you?

Xylo- Oh umm my name is xylo

Micheal- Wait something off about you what type of magic do you use?

Xylo- Oh umm well I use a little bit of fire a little bit of death magic and a little bit of shadow magic why?

Micheal- I don't know why but for some reason I can feel a demon and a god off of you do you know why?

Xylo- I might do but that is kind of a personal question because it brings back to my origins and I don't plan on staying for very long.

Allumos- I see but you do have very powerful magic why not join gremshade

Xylo- I would love too but I have friends at home that might be worry about me and I have a younger brother to get ready to rule are father kingdom scents I don't really want to rule it

Collin- Wait your a prince

Xylo- Pls don't call me that I hate that word

Seek- Why your royalty?

Xylo- Well this is a type of Royalty that a normal person would not take unless they want power over one of the most dangerous creatures in the world and keep them in check

Viper- What do you mean?

Xylo- Have you heard of demons before?

Micheal- Oh your one of those people and you hate it

Xylo- Hey my father may like it but that doesn't not mean I like it ok

Allumos- I may not know what you guys are talking about but I gust you don't have very long to stay but if you do fill free to come to gremshade and maybe even join it when you get the chance

Xylo- I would love too

That is when xylo can hear his father calling him home from within his mind.

Xylo- I would love to stay and chat but my father need me

Viper- What do you mea-

Before viper and finish that a portal open up from right under xylo legs and took him in before closing shocking everyone there other then Micheal of course.

When he got back he walk to his brother and father who was talking got into his father face and said-

Xylo- It was like fairytail

Hades- I knew it but I am going to gust your heading up

Xylo- Yup but I will be back tomorrow bye brick bye father

Both- Bye

That is when he got back to the surface and went to sleep after the long day.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now