Love Story between demi gods (Bryan Love) Olympus

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Truth or Dare


Bryan, Inpu, Jyles, River, and Jakey were all in a circle going to play a game truth or dare.

Bryan Mind- Oh no where playing truth or dare what am I going to do

Jyles- It seems like we are all in a circle now so now we can play. Umm River you go first

River- Bryan Truth or Dare

Bryan- Dare

River- I dare you to sit on my lap

Bryan was blushing a little bit but he did this. While siting on his lap river move his leg a little which made bryan bright red trying to hold his own voice from what he did

This made jakey, inpu, and jyles a little mad

Inpu- Ok then Umm Jyles Truth or Dare

Jyles- Why not a Truth

Inpu- Is it true that you have a crush on bryan?

Jyles pause a little before saying yes

This made everyone there upset

Jakey- Bryan truth or dare

Bryan- Truth

Jakey Mind- Dang it I want him to be on my lab next

Jakey- Is it true your not ready to fall in love yet?

Bryan- No that's not true I can still fall in love Im just taking a break of dating that's all

Jyles- My turn Bryan Truth or dare

Bryan- Dare

Jyles- I dare you to go on a date with me

Everyone there froze in place because of that question

Bryan- And what would I get if I say yes

Jyles- Or darling I would give you everything that you need

Bryan- Then yes I would love to go on a date with you

Soon both Jyles and bryan got up from there spots look and everyone and just laughed at them.

Jyles- Did you really thing I would date him. Like sure it would be fun to do that but at the same time I don't have those feeling for him *Laughs*

Everyone but jyles and bryan Mind- Im going to kill you jyles for what you just did right now

River Mind- It seems like bryan isn't in love with anyone then that mean he is still mind to have. Don't worry my love I will make sure no one touch you

Jakey Mind- Thank god. Wait what am I glad that he isn't dating anyone? Do I still like him like sure I wanted him to sit on my lap but at the same time I broke up with him and now im a free person. I gust breaking up with him was a mistake but I do still have feeling for you no matter who you choose

Inpu Mind- Thank- Wait don't tell me I fell in love with bryan!? Like sure he cute and a cool guy to be around with but he just a friend but why do I want him more than just a friend

Jyles can tell what everyone is thinking right now and right now he's tired so he just wants to go to bed.

Jyles- Its getting late so im off to bed

Bryan- *Yawn* Same even through this wasn't a long game of truth or dare I still have fun

Everyone but Jyles who keeps look up and down at bryan blush a little

Bryan- Will then night everyone I hope everyone have a great night

*Bryan flys away*

River Mind- I will after all your in my dreams

Inpu Mind- Made I will bryan Made I Will

Jakey Mind- I can't take him back. Im sorry my love

Jyles- Bye everyone I hope you have an amazing night

Soon everyone leave the area and went to bed to dream about bryan

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now