Love Story Between two demon slayers (David X Brandon) Fairtail

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Over protected Brother

Required by Maxymon084

After Brandon was brought back ritchie have been keeping an eye on him but who can blame him. After be missing for a year who wouldn't be attach to him epically his own brother.

Brandon have try his best to get sometime to himself but he knew that wouldn't last forever so he went to david house where he know that Ritchie would have some of a hard time finding him.

David knew about what was happening with his brother and all and wanted to help a little bit. After a while of staying there brandon started to have feeling for david. Even through he is an idiot for most eyes he couldn't help but have feeling for the boy.

Though after a while ritchie did found out where brandon been going and when he found out about brandon feeling he wasn't really all that happy.

He tried to take Brandon back and even scared david away making brandon very upset and not even looking at his brother again making ritchie very upset.

*With Brandon*

Brandon was in the garden trying to keep his cool when david came to him.

David- Brandon

Brandon- Yes?

David- I know that ritchie been on your nerves lately but I get it

Brandon- No you don't get it he trying to control my life and all I want is to be free

David- I get that you don't want to be cage up and be tell what to do but I do know that ritchie wouldn't have done this unless he felt like he needed to

Brandon- I know why he is doing this but this is going way to far I just can't take it

David- Well I may not know a lot about you two relationship but I do know that he does still care for you and no matter what happens I will always be here for you

Brandon- Thanks David

Soon after a while brandon was leaning closer to David and he was about to grab his hand when Ritchie flew up to them

Ritchie- Brandon there you are

David- Go away ritchie you are not aloud in my garden right now

Ritchie- I know that what I did was wrong but a I just want to say sorry

David- Sorry SORRY you tried to kill me

Brandon- What!?

Ritchie- I know I know but I do hope that you will forgive me

David- Will I am not the one you should be apology

Ritchie- Your right but still I am sorry for almost killing you but I should apologize to you too my brother

Brandon- Mm?

Ritchie- I know what I did was wrong but can you forgive me

Brandon- Of course I will

Soon the brothers started to hug before Ritchie left. David was also going to leave but brandon took david hand and kiss him before flying away.

David Mind- Did that just happen because that was the case then I don't want this night to end an all.

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