Love Story Between Two bears (Xylo Bear X Kayla Bear) SCP

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When they are out

Requested by LogiBear24

When Xylo bear and Kayla bear got out of the scp Foundation they went to Mario place where the three leave all together. While living together xylo and Kayla bear wanted to have some alone time so with the help of Mario they were able to get outside at nighttime so they can spend sometime together alone.

Kayla Bear- Hey xylo bear I have a question for you

Xylo bear- Ok what is it Kayla bear?

Kayla bear- How long did you like me? Was it when you were turn into a bear or was it after?

Xylo bear- Well I started liking when we both were trap on floor 100. That is when the feeling started to appear but after a while of us being together in are group those feeling have gotten stronger and stronger.

Kayla Bear- Oh so that is was you were mad when I started hitting on Mario you like me

Xylo Bear- Well yes that was part of it but another part was when he turn out to be this strong teddy bear as I was just a fat teddy bear. I would like you to imagine what would happen if you were turn into something then when someone else was turn into that same thing they got to be beautiful.

Kayla Bear- Hey am I not beautiful?

Xylo Bear- What? No your one of the most beautiful and amazing bears out there. I'm so lucky to meet a bear like you and spend my whole life with you as well.

Kayla Bear- Oh stop it your going to make me blush.

That is when xylo bear laid down on the grass and look up to see the stars when Kayla bear saw this she did that same thing.

And that they both look at the stars talking about the amazing things that they have done in the foundation as well as there past. Xylo bear even started talking to Kayla bear about the solar system and what star symbolize within the sky.

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