Love Story between a Singer & a Painter (Justin X Collin) OrginZ

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The secret yandere

Also Jealously

When Justin secret got out to bri collin haven't been the same at all.

Collin have been acting weird around bri that even austin had to ask him what's wrong.

Collin- Nothing wrong just feel a little under the weather.

Austin- Then you should get some rest

Collin- I will

*Few days later*

Justin had to go to the farm and collin wanted to come with him. Justin agreed and they both head to the farm.

*At the farm*

Bryan- Oh hi their Justin. Who's your friend

Justin- Hi bryan and-

Collin- My name is collin. I'm justin best friend

Bryan- Ok then. Why did you come here sweety pie

Collin Mind- What did he just call him. Grr I will love to have a chat with him about calling my-

Justin- Pls don't call me that and I came here to ask about the shipment?

Bryan- Oh that. The next shipment should come in about a few days my love

Justin laugh nerves- O ok then thank you

Collin can tell that justin kinda feel uncountable right now

Collin- Is that all you need justin if so we can leave-

Bryan- Oh don't leave yet you just got here

Justin- Ya Sorry bryan made next time we can hang out and everything but I need to head back home

Bryan- Fine but Don't make me wait long

Justin laugh nerves- Ya I won't try

Right before justin and collin left collin told justin that he want to talk to bryan a lone for a while.

Justin- Ok collin if you need to talk to bryan alone I can wait outside.

Collin- Thx justin

*Justin leave the area to wait outside the gate*

Bryan- Ok what do you want to talk with me-

Before bryan can even finish his sentence collin pin bryan to the gate really hard making a small tear appear on bryan face.  Soon collin pull out a knife over bryan throat.

Collin- Lesson here farmer Justin mine and I won't let anyone take him away from me

Bryan- Do you really want to start something in my farm

Collin- Not really but-

Collin use his sharp knife and cut bryan cheek a little and then put the knife on bryan throat again witch hurt him but didn't make him bleed.

Collin- Think of this as a ⚠ warning ⚠ stay away from justin and if I hear that you flirted with him again I will cut your throat in half.

Soon collin pull away from bryan and when bryan was about to take out his flame thrower justin came in.

Justin- Collin are you coming

Collin- Yes coming

Bryan- Hey Justin?

Justin- Yes?

Bryan- Can you try to tell me if you are going to bring your friend here next time

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now