Love story between two squids (Ceph Lopod X Callie Mary) DND

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The True Ruler

Star Wars Dnd

Requested by LogiBear24

It was just like a normal day in space. Ceph was let go of being a Jedi because he tried to save walker from be killed. When doing so he show a side of him that the Jedi fear so they let him go.

After a year Ceph had became a full on gray Jedi an even became one of the most smartest squids in the world which shock Walker even more.

Soon Ceph took walker where he started his new shop which later on made him one of the most richest people in all of the galaxy. Ceph didn't think he would see his friends again so he went on his own way living on a calm plant with lots of life force around him.

While staying there that place pretty much became his home and he knew almost everyone and everything that move,Lived, and even grow on the island.

*Years Later*

Ceph was meditating in his home cave when he felt a ship crash on the plant and a few life forces moving around which felt familiar to him.

Ceph Mind- It seems some people have crash on my home plant lets go and see what they need help on

*With Callie*

Callie- I can't believe that just happen

Cauldis- It seems that are full tanks are empty we need to find more fuel

Sylvn- I see but where are we going to find that?

Ceph Mind- No way it them why are they here

That is when all three of them felt someone watching them and that made Cauldis try to pull him to them but for some reason he had some trouble getting him out from the bushes.

Cauldis- Come out we know you here somewhere

Ceph- Fine you caught me

Everyone- CEPH!?

Ceph- Yup the one and only but didn't think I would see you guys again it was what like 15 years scenes I last saw you

Callie- What happen to you?

Ceph- Well I was kick out of the Jedi for learning a little bit about the dark side so I can save walker. Then Walker started his own mechanics work shop and made billions off of it. Now he have so many mechanics shops it hard trying to keep track on him and so just been here taking in all the life around me

Sylvn- you change a lot

Ceph- I gust I did but that doesn't matter anymore let me get you guys some full and your be on your way

That is when two huge barrels of fuel came out of know where and landed right in front of Cauldis

Ceph- There now I am off

Callie- Wait why don't you come with us we know that the Jedi might come after you if they find out about what you have been doing

Ceph- I gust that would be nice but if the do find me I won't mind but die into a master hands

Cauldis- Wow you really change have you now

Ceph- Well what do you expect its been 15 years

That is when Callie grab Ceph like she was not going to let go.

Callie- Your coming with us I don't want you to die

Ceph- *sigh* but I did break the Jedi rule so death is right for me right?

Sylvn- No it is not Ceph why are you so calm about this?

Ceph- Well I had a lot of free time to think and if no one needs me anymore I can just stay here.

Callie- That not true and you know that

Ceph- *sigh* if I do come with you can you guys will it be worth it anyway?

Sylvn- Of course it would be worth it

That is when ceph lopod went with them to explore the world. While doing that ceph was able to even teach sylvn a few things about the force and even got to turn a red crystal to a white one.

After going onto this trip callie and ceph got really close and soon started to date making there lives complete finally after so long of pain and suffering that they had to go threw.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now