Love between A werewolf & A Vampire (Mitch X Xylo) Supernatural

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The Date

After the war things have been going amazing for everyone.

They met new werewolves and started getting alone with one another.

Mitch even found his daughter and they have been getting time together but something have been bugging Mitch and Bri know what it is.

Mitch was talking with Bri when she ask mitch
Bri- Sooo how xylo

As soon as Bri said that Mitch face turn bright red

Mitch- He doing amazing. He have been helping out all of us. Have been very caring and I was about to talk to him very soon

Bri look at her father with a face. Mitch look at Bri seeing the face and knowing what she is going to say

Bri- So are you going to-do

Mitch cut her off their

Mitch- No I'm not asking him on a date

Xylo soon walk from behind the corner wondering what they are talking about.

Xylo- Hey Mitch

Mitch turn to xylo then his face turn bright red

Xylo- Mitch you ok

Bri- He fine but he does what to ask you something right father

Xylo- Ok what is it

Bri- I'm going to be over here and not watch this

Bri soon left

Mitch and xylo were all alone together with no one around

Xylo- So what did you want to tell me

Mitch- Oh will I was wondering if you want to go somewhere with me tonight you know just us hanging out.

As soon as Mitch say this xylo can feel his face becoming red

Xylo- S-sure why not

Mitch- O-ok then see you here tomorrow

Soon Mitch walk off

Xylo Mind- did he just ask me out on a date. I hope so or else what I'm about to do will be very embarrassing.

The next night

Mitch- You made it

Xylo- of course I did

Mitch & Xylo soon head out to a place where no one would fine them.

Mitch- Its a beautiful night

Xylo soon turn to Mitch saying to himself it's now or never.

Xylo- Mitch I know that we have gotten very close over the years and I just want to tell you that I-

Before xylo can finish Mitch came closer and closer and closer to xylo before giving him a kiss.

Mitch grow worry because xylo wasn't kissing back at first but soon that chance when xylo kiss back.

Soon they started making out with one another then have to stop to take a break.

They look at each other eyes they Mitch said I wanted to do that for a long time.

Xylo look at Mitch with a smile on his face

Xylo- We should head back it's getting pretty late

Mitch - But we were getting started

Mitch soon walk to xylo and bit him on his neck.

Xylo cry because of the pain but soon Mitch started licking the bite mark making sure all the blood was gone.

Mitch push xylo on the ground

Xylo did pull away only to be pull into mitch.

Mitch love play this game out cat and mouse but soon he said that they should be going

Mitch and xylo walk back to misfire where Bri was waiting at.

As soon as Bri saw them Bri push them into mitches room then Close the door from the outside.

Xylo and Mitch look at each other then started yelling to be let out

Bri- Nope now then in joy tonight because you might not have another.

Mitch and xylo realize that they might be lock in this room until morning so they share a bed snuggling with each other and holding each other until they went to sleep

In the morning Bri did let them out and Mitch did tell at her but also thank her as well as soon as xylo left.

Xylo soon can't wait until he see Mitch once again

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