Just Relax

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Celestial High

Lucas X Ritchie

Requested by Origins-Of-Senshi

(Think of this as the other side but some of the things are going to change a little)

When Ritchie left the room Lucas follow

Lucas- Ritchie wait pls

Ritchie- What!?

Lucas- I can tell that your having a bad day already

Ritchie - If Course I had a nightmare and now they don't want to help us

Lucas- Just lesson

Ritchie - Find

Lucas- When was the last time you had a day to relax?

Ritchie- I don't even know ok

Lucas- So why don't we relax while they have there chill day ok

Ritchie - Find but can we go to the library pls I kinda want to read on some stuff

Lucas- Ok I'm down

When they head to the Library there was no one in there. Ritchie was kinda still a little upset with the others but lucas just put his hand on Ritchie shoulder to a sure him. He kinda blush a little when that happen.

*Few hours later*

Ritchie was read when he turn to Lucas who was killed day just sleeping. Ritchie got closer to Lucas and put his head on his lap.

Ritchie Mind- I don't know why but I have a feeling this is right

When Ritchie turn back to his book and started read a few more hours have past. Lucas have finally woke up to see Ritchie reading a book and he was on his lap.

This made Lucas blush hard and when he tried to get up Ritchie just pull him back making him set in his lap. Soon after Ritchie out his arms around Lucas and after a few minutes Lucas finally understand what was going on

Lucas - Ritchie are you sure you want me. I bet there are other beautiful girls out there in the world

Ritchie - Or course I want you I don't know why but being trap hear makes me kinda happy that I am trap here with you. I didn't want the others knowing but I love you Lucas I really do

Soon Ritchie pull Lucas in for a kiss. Lucas knew that he had the same feeling for Ritchie and started kissing back. They were enjoying themselves when Lucas heard something. He had a feeling that something bad was going to happen so he got out of Ritchie lap and push him away just in time.

Ritchie- What was that for-

Before Ritchie could finish what he was about to say a book self fell right on top of the boy head crush him. Ritchie was shock and tried his best to take the book shelf off. When he was finally able to do that he saw Lucas with his arm broken.

Ritchie- Lucas are you ok?

Lucas- I'm find I just need some rest that all

Ritchie- Why did that book self fell anyways

Lucas- It was property my father. He was maybe hoping that it would fell on all of us and maybe kill be but I'm find

Ritchie- Ok let's hear back then

While they were heading back to the rooms. Ritchie was about to patch Lucas arm and he believes it should be heal tomorrow which made Ritchie relieve. When Ritchie was heading back to his dorm his door was lock. He had a feeling that Davis was already sleeping so he went to Lucas dorm.

When he got there he was kinda confuse that Brandon wasn't in there but lucas just told him that they might be in the other dorm room sleep. Ritchie was kinda mad but was happy because that night he was able to sleep with his new boyfriend.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now