Love story between two demi gods (Collin X Seek) Olympus

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To Make Sure Your Mine

Requested by Shadow_ecplise

The day bri came to the island was the day seek wanted her gone. Seek didn't like how bri was around collin a lot and he wanted her dead but when he heard that austin had feeling for her he had the plain that austin will stay by her side so she will have feeling for him and not his collin.

When his plain was working for bri to fall in love with austin he was having trouble with the mermaids. He fell in love with one and he had to get read of her so he kill her and broke the thing that would frame him for doing it.

*Few Days Later*

Seek was dreaming about collin when he heard someone knocking on the door. When he open it he saw collin crying.

Seek- Collin What's wrong?

Collin- Its bri she she she was taken from me

Seek- Oh Collin I am so sorry

Collin- *Sniff* why are you not crying didn't you love her too?

Seek- I did but soon I fell out of love from her and fell in love with someone else

Collin- Oh lucky for you

Seek- Collin she wasn't the one for you and you know it

Collin- *Sniff*

Seek- Collin look at me

That is when seek kiss collin on thr face. Collin was shock at this but he soon took the feeling in.

Seek- I feel in love with you and I will make sure that you know that

Collin- Seek

Seek- I know that its bad and you might not feel the same way but I will do anything to make sure your mine collin. I love you so much I would do anything to be by your side

Collin- Oh Seek

That is when collin and seek kiss again showing there love for each other can get threw anything.

After that day seek and collin became a thing and fought together and what collin didn't know was that seek was making sure that he was the only one for him because he doesn't want to loose him like he almost lost his self with the rage of bri taking him away.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now