Love between two Demi gods (Xylo X Imno) Olympus

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Cold Dark Night

Back at camp it was on of the coldest nights out and imno can't sleep at all because of these nightmares he keep on having. He always wish this nightmares just go away but they keep getting worse and worse until he can't sleep at all.

*In the morning*

Davine- Why does it have to be freezing cold

Brandeen- Stop complaining

Davine- Stop complaining you have a heater in your room not only that-

*Davine notice imno*

Davine- Hey imno

Imno mind- Oh no they saw me I have to go now

Davine- Imno are you ok-

*Imno disappear*

Brandeen- It looks like he doesn't want to talk with you which is a good thing

Davine- What is that supposed to mean

*Back with imno*

Imno mind- I can do this

Ritchie- Imno?

Imno- y-yes

Ritchie- Is their something wrong

Imno- n-no noting wr-wrong

Ritchie- But you look pale and tired

Imno mind- You tried trying to sleep but you get nightmares

Imno- B-bye

Ritchie- Wait

Ritchie mind- Something wrong

* With xylo*

Xylo mind- Do I really have to go out their in the cold

Mitch- Hey xylo

Xylo- Yes

Mitch- Did you hear what happen with imno

Xylo- No?

Xylo mind- I hope its nothing bad

Mitch- Imno have been running away from everyone and when people do see him he looks pale and tired

Xylo- I'm going to help find him

Mitch- Good idea I should help to

Everyone soon found out about imno and started looking for him

Imno mind- Pls leave me alone everyone

Xylo starts looking in the woods for a few hours and that is where he did ended up finding imno in a huge flower area of the forest

Xylo mind- I need to hide or else he will ended up running away and I won't be able to fine him

Imno- Can they leave me alone I didn't do anything wrong

Xylo is surprise that imno isn't talking in his cute little shy voice but then he started thinking.

Xylo Mind- Imno might not talk like this around us because he is shy

Imno-All I have is a sleeping problem. I can't sleep *Sneeze* and why does it have to be this cold. Not even my cavern have a heater like the other ones.

Xylo- Imno?

Imno mind- Oh no did he hear me

Xylo- Imno its just me can you come out pls

Imno- I don't k-now

Xylo- *sigh* fine you don't have to come out but its getting a little late now and its going to be really could when it hits night so I can wait

Imno mind- Great I do have to come out

Imno- Y-yes

Xylo- Imno everyone is worry about you why don't we head back to camp you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the floor

Imno- pr-promises me th-that you won't tell the oth-others about this

Xylo- Promises

Imno and xylo ended up heading back at his place where xylo made a sleeping bag on the floor

Imno mind- Why does his place have to be so warm

Xylo- Their we go I will be sleeping out here my room is just in their and call me when you need anything

Imno mind- Why does he have to me so nice

Imno- Th-thx

Xylo- No problem

*In the middle of the night*


Imno mind- Oh good its just a dream

Xylo- Imno you ok?

Imno- Y-yes just a bad dream

Xylo- Oh ok I will be just going-

Imno- NOOO

*Xylo surprise*

Xylo- What why?

Imno- pls stay

Xylo Mind- Imno must had a horrible dream to ask me to stay

Xylo- Fine I'll stay but let me bring my bean bag in first

*After that*

Xylo- Night Imno

Imno- ni-night xylo

*Few hours past*

*Xylo wakes up from hearing crying*

Xylo- Imno? IMNO! Imno wake up its just a dream

*Xylo try to wake imno up but fail*

Xylo- Imno pls your scaring me

*Xylo eyes start to tear up*

*Few minutes comes around and imno did wake up*

Xylo- Imno you ok

Imno mind- No not really I just want to curl up into a ball and die

Imno- N-no

*Xylo pull imno into a hug and hold him for some time trying confirm imno*

Imno- Ca-can you pls sleep with me

*Imno face turn red*

Imno mind- This sound so wrong. He going to stay no and I'm going to not get any sleep

Xylo- Sure anything to help you

Imno- Really?

Xylo- Yes

Xylo got into bed with imno and was about to past out but imno went closer to xylo and ask

Imno- can we cuddle?

Imno mind- Pls say yes

Xylo- Yes we can

Imno mind- Yes I get to do what I always dream about

Imno and xylo cuddle for a few minutes then xylo fell a sleep with imno in his arms

Imno mind- I wish I can always have this with you xylo but I can't

*Imno kiss xylo on the cheek*

Imno whisper- Night xylo hope you have wonderful dreams.

Imno soon fell asleep and didn't have any nightmares at all for the rest of the night

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now