Love Story between two demi Gods ( Xylo X Jyles) Olympus PT: 1

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My Return

Requested By DjfoxE

After a day of xylo watching his child ricarro he was heading back to his room mate when he past jyles cabin. Xylo soon back up to see the sign making sure he was not seeing thing but surely he wasn't.


*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Jyles- Mm I wonder who would that be at this time. I hope its not bryan I would like to not miss with him today at least.

*Jyles open the door*

Before jyles open the door xylo was thinking it can't be the same jyles but surely it was.

Xylo was shock to see jyles at the camp. He was confused and surprise at the same time. Jyles can tell he was surprise but didn't care because he was looking up and down at xylo.

Jyles- Oh My you look pretty handsome even more than that I might as well take you to bed

Xylo- Ya Ya Ya

Jyles- so what are you doing here cutie?

Xylo- What are you doing here?

Jyles- Will I live here darling

Xylo- No I mean at camp

Jyles- Oh will I was invited here so I'm here but it seems to you that there's more you want yo stay to me so spit it out

Xylo- *Sigh* aren't you support to be trap in some lamp

Jyles- Oh yes about that my love. Bryan even through he is a cute handsome boy he free me when he needed something from me. Like really

Xylo- So did you change?

Jyles- What do you mean by that

Xylo- Can you give me my stuff back like me frying pan?

Jyles- Oh that you see I don't think I can do that

Xylo- Why not?

Jyles- I lost it that's why

Xylo- How do you lose a frying pan?

Jyles- When you use your will strong handing work to slide down a snow mountain

Xylo- Wait WHAT!?

Jyles- Ya your frying pan was so strong it hold me all the way down a mountain and man that was fun but I lost it when I hit something on the way down

Xylo- Grrr

Jyles- Xylo why are you so mad at me? We are old friends here

Xylo- Oh really saying the man who put Cerberus Collar on my neck

Jyles- Oh come on xylo it look amazing on you. Leather suits you not only that your my puppy dog

Xylo- No I'm not. I am no ones dog

Jyles- You know that can change with a snap of a finger

Xylo- No what I'm going to go

Jyles- Aww leaving so soon my love

Xylo- Shut it

When xylo shuts the door he can hear the laugher coming right out of his mouth

After that day jyles was glad to know his puppy dog is at camp and he gets a chance to make him that way.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now