Love story Between a Mage and a Boss (Imno X Zaro) Fairytail

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Bad day

Required by NyaNyaCatGamer

Inmo have been having a bad day. He had a nightmare. The davis didn't help at all with him making fun of inmo and taking his shirt off and no one in the guild didn't help him at all. He wanted to just leave for the day and he felt like no one would care. After a while zaro started to notice that imno wasn't having it

Brandon- Inmo you ok? you seems upset

Inmo- Why do you care?

Ritchie- You don't talk to my brother that way

Inmo- Im sorry that I don't want to hear anything

Ritchie- How we play a game of dodge the lighting

Inmo- Sure why not that will made make my day so happy

Zaro- Inmo you ok?

Inmo- Yes im fine now if you need me I will be at the garden

*Imno leaves*

Brandon- It seems inmo is not having a great day

Ritchie- I wonder what happen

Zaro- Im going to go and check ok

Davis- Scents you are the close person to him try to cheer him up

Zaro Mind- Oh don't worry I will.

Zaro soon went after imno. He hated seeinh imno like this and when he found him he was in the pond trying to drown his anger and upsets in the world

Zaro- Imno why are you upset?

Imno- Im just having a bad day ok. Can you just leave me alone.

Zaro Mind- How can I cheer you up. I hate sewing you like this

When zaro was looking at imno he kinda look like he almost didn't get any sleep at all and that is the idea came to mind.

Zaro- Imno did you have a bad dream?

Imno- *sigh* Yes I did and I really didn't get anoff sleep after that. Then everyone else started to make my day worse and worse

Zaro Mind- Is he really that tired. Man I can't believe that he didn't get anoff sleep that is made why he is having a bad day in the first place.

Zaro ended up sitting right next to imno trying to talk to him. Zaro can tell imno doesn't have a lot of strength so he laid imno down on his lap

Imno started blushing like crazy. He didn't understand why did this for him.

Zaro- I can tell that you didn't get anoff sleep. You can sleep on my lap if you want.

Imno- Why are you doing this for me?

Zaro- I care for you more than you think

Imno Mind- Wait really

Imno rise up out of his lap and he was face to face with zaro. He soon didn't have anoff strength left so he passed out on his chest.

When imno past out on zaro. Zaro started blushing but he soon found oit that imno needed a bed so he took him back at his place.

*At zaro place*

Zaro laid imno down on his bed and was about ready to leave when imno started crying out in his sleep

Zaro Mind- At this rate imno isn't going to get any sleep at all.

Zaro got into bed with imno and started holding. When imno felt zaro warm touch he had stop crying and started cuddling him. Zaro started to blush a little more but he did know deep down in his heart he loved imno very much and it would break his heart on the day he have to leave.

Zaro Mind- I really don't want to leaves imno but I sadly can't take him with me so as much time as I have with him I will spend it wisely

Zaro started holding imno cuddling him until he had fall asleep holding the one person that he want to keep.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now