Love story between two demi gods (Brandeen X Xylo) Olympus

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During the whole part of trying to understand his past of what his brother and father did to him he keeps have a hard time of trying to control his new found power.

Brandeen mind- Why can't I just control this power that I hold all ready I mean I have been training with it but still why is it taking so long.

*In another way*

Xylo have been getting in more trouble with his father. For some reason his brother did something wrong and his father is blaming him for it.

Xylo- I didn't do that

Hades- Don't lie to me your the one who gave me that demonic thing


Hades- QUITE. I thing you should leave

Xylo- FINE. I'll go

*Xylo leaves the under world*

Xylo mind- Why did my brother do that. Now im taking the blame also what is this.

Xylo mind- How did my brother get this anyway

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Xylo mind- How did my brother get this anyway. *Sigh* I'm getting going to take a walk

While walking xylo saw brandeen trying to train his new found power.

Xylo- Hi brandeen what's you doing?

Brandeen- Oh hi xylo I'm trying to train my new source of power that I hold

Xylo- Cool can I help with that

Brandeen- You sure that can be dangerous

Xylo- I don't mind. I'm trying to get my father yelling out of my head

Brandeen mind- Why would his father yell at him

Brandreen- What did you do?

Xylo- Nothing. My brother brought this

*shows brandeen the neckleces*

Xylo- And I got in trouble for it saying that I was the one to gave this to break

Brandeen- That horrible

Brandeen mind- I going to kill break for that

Brandeen- Will I would love you to help me train

Xylo- Really? Ok I'll help

Xylo and brandeen train for a little and soon it got to the point when the necklace starts to glow

Brandeen- Umm xylo

Xylo- Yes?

Brandeen- Your necklace its glowing

Xylo- It is

*The necklace soon start to float out of xylo hand and goes around brandeen neck*

Brandeen- What the?

*The necklace shine a bright red light*


Brandeen- *cough* *cough* im ok

Xylo- Brandeen?


Xylo- Your form

Brandeen- What! I look like a demon

Xylo- I know. Is this the power you were talking about.

Brandeen- Yes it is thx xylo

Xylo- Your welcome I gust?

*Brandeen walk up to xylo and hug him*

*Xylo blush red*

Brandeen- This means a lot to me

Xylo- Their no need to be a touchy

*Brandeen let go of xylo and saw his face red*

*Brandeen face turn bright red*

Xylo- You ok?

Brandeen- Y-ya

Xylo- Yo-you s-sure about that

*Xylo walk closer to brandeen*

Brandeen mind- To close

*Xylo realise what he was doing and step back put his hands over his bright red face*


Brandeen- Their no need to be sorry

Xylo- Why? I made you uncountable

Brandeen- no you didn't

Xylo- You sure about that?

Brandeen- ya I'm sure

*Xylo soon slowly walk closer to brandeen*

*Branden surprise xylo with a grab to a hug*

Brandeen- I think its time to tell you something xylo

Xylo- Ya what is it?

Brandeen- I have been having this feeling inside my heard for you and I wanted to tell you that-

*Xylo cut him off with a kiss knowing what he was going to say*

Xylo- I love you too

Brandeen- Really?

Xylo- Yes I have been feeling this way about you for a while now

*Xylo was shock when brandeen pick him up and took xylo back to his room*

*Brandeen lay xylo down on his bed and lay right next to him*

Brandeen- I always wanted to cuddling with you xylo

Xylo- Me to

Bradeen and xylo started cuddle with each other until it had hit night.

When it hit night time they both feel a sleep into each other arms after taking off their shirts because it was it was getting a little hot for them.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now