Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus Pt: 3

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Tomb Juice

Requested by DjfoxE

After the first change Inpu and Bryan went back at his place to talk. After some time they heard there was.going to be a dance soon.

Inpu- So the dance is going to happen soon that would be fun

Bryan- Ya as long as it wasn't as bad as last time

Inpu-- What happen last time?

Bryan- Will long story short I did some things and the gust were turn into creatures because of tomb juice

Inpu-- Tomb Juice?

Bryan- Ya it's a type of potion that does weird things to your body

*In the background*

River Mind- Tomb juice? That maybe what I need to effect inpu to stay away from Bryan

*Few days later*

River found some tomb juice and gave the drink to Bryan in tea. Bryan thank river but river made a mistake. He affected both drinks than just one.

When Bryan gave the drink to Inpu and they both drank it there body's started to act weird and when they look at each other it seems that they switched.

Bryan have brown wolf ears and a wolf tail while Inpu had wings. They both also lost something on there body. Inpu is missing his dog ears and tail while Bryan is missing his Angel wings.

Inpu- What happen?

Bryan- I think we drank tomb juice

Inpu- Will if that is what happen I do not like it at all. My ears and tail are gone and I don't even know how to work these things.

Bryan- Your telling me everything is so much louder and it kinda hurts.

Inpu- Mmm Will I gust we can test this out of you don't mind.

Bryan- Ya sure

Inpu- This can also give us an idea on what we normally do with these features

Bryan- I gust that true let's do it.

Soon inpu and bryan had starred learning on how there life's work with there features.


Inpu- I think I know how this work a little

Bryan- You sure?

Inpu- Ya. I think I know a little bit about flying

Bryan- Ok?

When inpu tried to fly he started to understand it a little bit but he soon crash.

Bryan- Having trouble?

Inpu- Ya. I thought it as easy as it is in the books.

Bryan- Oh It is

Inpu- Then what am I doing wrong?

Bryan- You have to trust yourself

Inpu- How is that going to help me?

Bryan- You see your flapping to hard and too fast. You have to trust yourself to make sure you don't do that and the landing I'm sure your get that one

Inpu- Right thank you

After a while of trying inpu had finally got it down. He had learn how to fly and land without crashing

*Ears & Tail*

Inpu- Ok everything might be a little louder but if you focus that won't bug you

Bryan- Ok

After a while of bryan trying to focus he soon found out that he is much faster and stronger. They were having the time of there life when it started to get dark.

Bryan and inpu headed back at his place to have a cup of tea when bryan started to feel pain

Inpu- Bryan are you ok?

Bryan- I- I Don- Don't kn-ow

That is where bryan had started to change into a monster

(The wolf is brown with brown/yellowes eyes)

Inpu was shock and was slowing backing away

Inpu- Hey bryan it me don't you remember?

Bryan- *Grrr*

*In the background*

River Mind- O My God he so cute. I didn't know tomb juice can do this. Now bryan will be able to get rid of him and them he would be mine

*Back to the problem*

Bryan was getting closer and closer to inpu until he sniff him. When he sniff him bryan recognize his scent. 

Instead of attacking him bryan pick up inpu and started taking him to his bed

Inpu- Hey bryan do you remember me?

Bryan- *Grr* *Sniff* *Sniff*

Inpu- Wait bryan what are you doing. Put me down. Where are you taking me

When bryan got to his room he put inpu on his bed and then started holding him close before falling asleep.

Inpu Mind- It seems I'm stuck here until he wake up. I gust this is find

He was trying to hide his face which is super red before falling asleep.


River Mind- No No No he was suppose to kill him. Find you win but next time I will have your head.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now