Love Story Betwen two demi gods (Austin X Bri) Olympus

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Tainted Side

Requested by Genocide_Player

It was a normal day on the island collin and seek were hanging out with each other while austin was trying to make Bri feel better when hr met someone that he thought he would never meet.

*Next Day*

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Austin- Bri? You ok?

Bri- ....

Austin- Bri you haven't left your room at all and I am getting worry about you

Bri- ....

Austin- Bri im coming in

That is when austin open the door seeing something he thought he would never see that at all. It was bri with horns, Tattoos, And Black wings. If austin remember xylo warn him that is bri have ever turn to this its her tainted side and not her at all.

T. Bri- Oh Hi Austin hehehe

Austin- Bri What happen to you

T. Bri- Well its a potion affect but don't worry

Austin- Sorry but that hard to believe tainted bri

T. Bri- Oh your smarter then your brother. I am in to that

Austin- What?

That is when Tainted bri went but to austin and kiss him shocking him at first but he knee he couldn't gave in

Austin- Give bri back pls

T. Bri- I would love to if you do something for me

Austin- And that is?

T. Bri- Well...

*Few hours later*

When bri finally woke up she couldn't help but laugh because she saw Austin in a bunny outfit hopping around

Bri- Hahaha

Austin- Ya Ya laugh it up

Bri- Hehehe I am so sorry

Austin- Sure you are

That is when bri walk up to him and kiss him on the lips thanking him before leaving

Austin Mind- I can't believe she did that

Austin- Hey Wait up

Bri- Ok my little bunny

Austin- I am not little

Bri- Sure my cute little rabbit

Austin- .... let just go ok

Bri- Ya lets

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now