The Time That I am At Home

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A little Ricarro story

Origin Of Olympic

Requested by sleppyboi193

Ricarro was out one morning when he wanted to go home for a few days all of a sudden. He wanted to see his home land again and stay a few nights but there was one problem with this he didn't tell his father so when he was about to leave he left a note on the corner for his friends.

When Ricarro finally left to go home the first person who found his note was Xylo.

-Hey guys I will be staying somewhere for a while now so don't worry about me
Love Ricarro

When Xylo read that he gone worry

Xylo Mind- Ricarro where did you go now?

Then soon Xylo started to grow worry. The note only told him that he would be gone for a few days and not even telling him where he was going so he started looking for him. Momiji was the first person but he couldn't find her so he went to Mario.

Mario said he didn't see Ricarro and that is where the worry grew even more. With in those few days Xylo started looking for Ricarro almost destroying the whole camp before Kay stop Xylo and calm him down finally.

When Ricarro finally came back Xylo ran up to him hugging him close then he hit Ricarro on the head for not telling him where he went off too but he didn't care because right now all he want to do is to make sure his "son" is safe from all causing danger from now to the rest of his life.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now