Love Story Between Two demi Gods (Moto X Davis) Olympus

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The Nightmares Of The Past

After he got his own room davis have been having these nightmares about something happening to a kid. Davis didn't know what to do and how to make it stop and it got worse and worse.


It seems like the bird wasn't with him but he was to tired to even be will happy and make a party out of it.

*At the bath house*

Davis was taking a bath and was about to go to sleep when Moto Moto came by.

Moto- Hi davis are you ok? You seem

Davis- Tired? I know. I have been having this same nightmare for to long man to long

Moto- What is the nightmare about?

Davis- Well you see their was this person for one second and then someone cut off his head. Then it ends off by your next

Moto soon realise he been having nightmares of his past and now he been suffering because of him.

Moto- I think your having nightmares of my past bro. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?

Davis heart soon skip a beet when he said that. He was so happy to here that and he wants more then stay the night with him

Davis- Sure bro see

*That night*

Davis and moto cuddle each other together and boi did they miss it.

When they were sleeping together Davis nightmares just straight up and vanish. Davis finally got the first good night sleep in a while and sure did he miss it.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now