Love Story between two demi gods ( Cal X Mchale) Olympus

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The Lord's Partner

Requested by aoifebell05

After the day McHale and cal have met McHale have been thing about him a lot. McHale couldn't stop thinking about how he look like a blow stick will his glow stick.

When ever McHale seen Ricarro with cal it make him angry but when the day Ricarro called him mom it made him a little happy that he not into his mate but kinda annoyed that the one person that he hates is calling his mate mom.

McHale can see cal becoming a beautiful wife in the family and everything but at the same time he knows that things can get harder for him if Ricarro around.

Soon Ricarro found out that McHale had a crush on cal by reading his journal but when McHale found out he did McHale made sure Ricarro didn't say anything but Ricarro had a plan.

Ricarro knew that cal had a crush on the big man himself after he told him and know knowing that he have the same feeling he wanted to make them official so he trick them.

Ricarro - No McHale

McHale - Yes?

Ricarro- I have to go somewhere and I made a promise to cal that I would hang out with him today so can you tell him that for me thanks

When Ricarro left McHale know that he had to do it because he didn't was cal to wait very long. Soon when McHale found cal he blush hard seeing him without a shirt. When cal saw he was a little embarrass.

Cal- Hi McHale

McHale- Hello

Cal- Why you come here

McHale- will Ricarro wanted me to tell him that he won't get the chance to hang out with you today so I thought I would be the one to instead

Cal- I see will ok then

Soon cal and McHale went on a little date. Cal took McHale to dinner first. After that they went to hang out at the bath house.

If course when they took off everything but there towels it made them blush. They were hanging out in there for some time when cal got closer to McHale

Cal Mind- Cal you can do this

Cal- McHale I wanted to tell you something for a long time now

McHale- Really and that is

Cal- Will I I I like I I Like

Before cal could finish McHale pull cal in for a kiss. Cal kiss back and didn't want to let go.

McHale- I love you too and I want to make you my mate

Cal- Really!?

McHale- Yes really

Soon after that day cal and McHale became a thing. Even though cal can't see McHale every day but when he get the chance he sleep with him and true his best to stay with him. As for McHale he made a promise to himself to make sure nothing bad happen to his mate from now to forever.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now