Love Story Between Two demi Gods (Bryan X Davis) Olympus PT: 1

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My Bro

Requested by Luna_Valmeave & DjfoxE

When the party was going to started bryan was getting quite excited because he was about to meet new people.

While bryan was meeting people he soon ran into Davis.

Davis- Im sorry bro I wasn't looking

Bryan- Its ok

*When davis look at bryan he saw a handsome young man*

Davis Mind- Dang it he's cute

*Davis help bryan up*

Davis- Again sorry about that

Bryan- Its ok

Davis- I am just going to go talk to my friends ya my friends

Bryan- Ok. Will then I might come with you

Davis- Ok

*Davis is trying not to blush when they walk together to a group of friends*

Bryan Mind- Wow I never notice how beautiful his blue eyes are and his hair.

Moto- Hey bro who this?

Davis- Hi bro and this is bryan bro

Moto- Oh hi bro

Bryan- Hi

Davis- So what are you doing?

Moto- Oh just hanging out but theirs water right there

*Davis took off his shirt*

*Bryan tries to hides his face*

Bryan Mind- Why does he have to be so cute

Davis- you ok bro?

Bryan- Ya

Davis Mind- Wait is he blushing? Mmm that gives me an idea

Nero- Hello there

Davis- Oh no its the dum spirit again

Nero- At least I don't have a boyfriend

Bryan Mind- Boyfriend!?

Davis- He not my boyfriend he is my bro right bro

Moto- Ya get it right

Bryan Mind- Oh there not dating

Nero- Sure

Moto- You ok bro. You seem out of it

Bryan- Oh no just thinking to myself that's all

Moto- Ok

After a while at the party moto moto and davis where messing around a little bit like taking there shirts off which made bryan blush. They did play some games with some people and all that stuff.

Moto- I am about to go to the bath house

Davis- Ya me to

*Takes off his shirt*

Bryan Mind- Oh no ahh why does he have to be so cute

Moto- You coming bro?

Bryan- Ya I'm coming

*At the bath*

Davis- Bro this is the life isn't it

Moto- Ya bro its amazing

Bryan- Ya

After a while in the bath house moto moto left and now its just davis and bryan inside the bath house.

Davis- Hey umm bryan

Bryan- Ya

Bryan Mind- I can't believe that I am alone with davis and we have nothing but a towel on

Davis- Do umm bryan how is your day so far

Bryan- Oh its been amazing not only that I am happy that I was able to make so many friends this year

Davis Mind- He must have had a bad past to did that

Bryan- I am glad that I was able to meet you davis

When bryan said that he had a smile on his face. That made davis blush a little. He came closer to bryan which made bryan blush a little.

Bryan Mind- Why is he so close to me

Davis- Hey bryan do you want to get out of here and hang out together

Bryan- Umm sure why not

Davis Mind- Yes

After a while of them hanging out bryan and davis agree to go to bryan house to hang out a little more.

Davis- Dude your house is huge

Bryan- Thank you

Davis- will it was fun bryan but I have to head out

Bryan- Oh I understand will then bye davis

Davis- Bye

When davis left bryan went to his room and went to bed because it was a long night.

*Back ground*

River had been watching bryan and davis when they got out of the bath house. River kept getting mad when davis took his shirt off making bryan blush. He wanted to go and talk to davis telling him that bryan is his and if he keeps trying to take him away from him he will have to pay the price.

*River went into bryan room*

River Mind- It seems like davis like to make bryan stare at his chest. Grr I wish I could tell him that you are mine my love. Will then until next time

*River kiss bryan forehead*

River Mind- See you soon

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now