Love story between a leader and a farmer (Bryan X pat) OrginZ Pt:2

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Part 2 request by DjfoxE

Its been a few days and pat just couldn't wait any longer at all. He wanted to see he new boyfriend so bad but at the same time he couldn't just leave for a few days without no one in charge so that made him think. Who can be in charge when he is away and that is where it hit him.

*At the Docs*

Mitch was just working on some papers when he here's the door slam open.

*pat enters the room*

Mitch- What the heck dude

Pat- Mitch buddy o pale can you do me a soiled pls

Mitch- And what would that be

Pat- I just want you to take charge for a few days while I'm gone

Mitch- Are you sure about that. Is their any sick games right now. Are you even pat?

Pat- Yes its me I just need to go to the farm for a few days that all

Mitch- Fine but you owe me something ok

Pat- Thx

*Pat leaves the room*

Mitch mind- He seems happier then normal it kinda scares me

* At the farm*

Bryan was just working on some work in the farm when he here's someone knocking on the door.

Bryan- Now who can that be

Pat- Hey bryan

Bryan- PAT!

Bryan opens the doors and ran to pap to give him a huge hug.

*Pat face turn a little red*

Bryan- What are you doing here

Pat- I couldn't wait to see you again so I came to stay at the farm for a few days you know helping out.

*Bryan face turn a little red when he said that he couldn't wait to see him again*

Bryan- That's great news I did need a hand or two to help me out a little on the Railroad road track.

Pat- That's sound great

Pat and bryan went inside the farm and started doing some farm work.

Pat did have some hard time knowing where to put things at and bryan help him out a little

*pat face did turn red a lot at times when they were working together even when pat drop a box on his foot and bryan laugh a little*

It was soon getting late and they really didn't was to a track zombies so they headed inside and started making some tea

Bryan- Thanks again for the help on the farm it would have been harder if you won't around at the time

*Pat face turn red a little*

Pat- will of course what are boyfriend for

* Bryan turn red a little before walking up to pat and giving him a kiss*

Bryan- Hey I'm sorry about laughing at you

Pat- Don't apologize I think your laugh is cute

*Bryan whole face turn red like a tomato*

*Pat pull bryan on his lap before snuggling up to him*

Bryan- you know we can take this up stares

* Pat face turn red*

Pat- What do you mean

Bryan- I mean we can snuggle up to each other on my bed if you want

Pat- I would love that

Pat pick up bryan and before bryan can say anything pat took bryan up stares to his room and snuggle with him until he had fallen a sleep

Bryan mind- Awww he worn himself out

*bryan put his hand on his forehead*

Bryan mind- His hair is so soft I would love to play with it all day

Pat- *groan in his sleep*

Bryan mind- I wonder what he is dreaming of

*Bryan kiss pat on the forehead*

Bryan- goodnight my love

*falls asleep*

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now