Love Story between an Ice demon & Water god Slayer (Lucas X David) Fairytail

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The Close Bros

Requested by BillDipWolfStar

After the whole demon book thing Lucas and David got some new looks and went back to there broken guild. That is when the had to face there guild leader and change things back to normal once again.

While doing all of those things the Guild been releasing that David have been very overprotective with Lucas and they don't know why. Soon kit found out why and she started to like it.

While talking to David alone away from the Guild she was able to get a confession out of David mouth that he loves lucas.

Kit- Ooo so you like Lucas don't you

David - Wait what no I umm don't know what you are talking about

Kit- I can tell that something was up and you just said those word pretty much a few minutes ago so you can't lie about that

David- Fine I think I do but the reason why is because he been with me there everything that I been through so what's not to love about him

Kit- I see is that why you been giving your jacket to him whenever you take off your close at all?

David- Will that's one of the reasons. Another reason is that I keep on looking my clothes and he is the one that been kinda helping me out with that

Kit- Ooo when are you going to tell him then?

David- I need to wait for the perfect time or else it will mess up everything don't you think

Kit- Ya I gust

Soon after that talk kit been helping David to wait for the perfect moment and when it did happen Lucas said yes giving kit a smile for the first time in a while. Then comes the bloody nose when the two boys kiss but hey that because there hot and cute with each other together am I right?

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now