Love Story Between two demi Gods (Mania X Xylo) Olympus

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The Break Up

Requested by Callistermac & AstroMike

The Day that Xylo was free was the day that Davis broke up with mania.

Xylo- Finally

Mania- Will that took forever but I am sure glad that this was over right babe?

Davis- Ya finally your free

David Mind- How can I do this without breaking her heart. She is cute and nice but I can't just take the boys girlfriend

Xylo- Will I'm going to go and check out the party and everything catch you guys later

Inpu - Bye and don't get into trouble again

Xylo- I'll try

*Xylo leave*

Mania- Ok Davis come on let's go get some ice cream

Davis- Ya sure

Mania Mind- Why is he acting so weird?

After they left mania start to tell Davis was acting weird like he didn't want to be here.

Soon mania and Davis ended up going to a spot where there was no one to be seen and that is when Davis ended things.

Davis- I'm sorry to say this mania but I want to break up with you

Mania- Wha- Why?

Davis- Will I fell out of love with you and I don't want to break your heart by staying with you sorry but I do hope you well and you will find someone else out there

Mania- I I see will I hope you well

Davis- Ya you too

Mania- I have to go

Soon mania ran out of the party where Xylo was hanging out crying making the demon kinda upset

Davis Mind - I'm sorry but this is for the best

*With Mania*

Xylo was chilling under a tree when he saw mania running and crying

Xylo- Mania?

Mania- Oh hey Xylo

Xylo- What's wrong?

Mania- Will Davis broke up with me

Soon Xylo got out of his spot and went up to her whipping her years away.

Xylo- I'm so sorry to hear that but I do know your a very strong girl and no matter what happens I will always be here for you

Mania- Thank you Xylo

Soon mania and Xylo started to hug it out and during the whole party mania stayed with Xylo until the very end.

Xylo started talking to her and walking her home when they got there

Mania- Thank you Xylo it mean a lot to me

Xylo- Don't worry if you ever want to talk let me know ok

Mania- Ok thank you

Soon mania went up to Xylo and kiss him on the cheek and went inside.

Xylo Mind- I will see you soon

Before walking away

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now